Storm's Fury

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In the distance, a plume of smoke billowed into the sky, a dark scar against the clear blue canvas. Alarms blared from within the estate, shattering the peaceful morning. Guards materialized from seemingly nowhere, their faces etched with concern.

Ruele appeared at their side, her armor gleaming in the morning sun. Her expression mirrored Elora's – a calm that masked a storm of emotions.

"Elora," Ruele said, her voice clipped, "scout the north perimeter. Jayden, stay inside with the guards. This is no place for a child."

Despite the tremor in his voice, Jayden protested. "But I want to help! I can be useful!"

Ruele knelt before him, her hand gently cupping his face. "You are being useful, Jayden. By staying safe, you ensure that we have one less person to worry about." Her gaze softened. "We'll talk about this later. For now, please, trust your mother."

With a heavy heart, Jayden watched as Elora and Ruele disappeared into the chaos, their figures swallowed by the throng of rushing guards. He reluctantly followed one of the guards back to the manor, his newfound sense of pursuit now laced with a burning desire to prove himself worthy, to contribute to the protection of his family and his home.

The once tranquil morning had been shattered, replaced by a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the secure walls of the Pentagon estate. For Jayden, the sheltered world he had known was forever changed, replaced by a yearning to understand the threats, to train his mind and body, and to one day stand beside his protectors, not as a burden, but as a pillar of strength, in his own unique way.

Ruele and Elora sprinted towards the north perimeter, the tremors intensifying with each passing step. As they crested a hill overlooking the estate wall, their breath hitched in their throats.

A gaping hole marred the once-impenetrable walls, smoke and dust billowing outwards. Hooded figures, clad in dark cloaks, swarmed through the breach, their eyes glowing with a malevolent red light. These were no ordinary bandits; they were members of the Nexus

"Elora," Ruele barked, "take the eastern flank. I'll handle the west."

Elora didn't hesitate. With a nimble leap, she propelled herself over the remaining wall segment, a whirlwind of blonde hair and honed reflexes.

Ruele focused her mana, the air crackling with electric energy as she channeled it into her fighting style. A surge of power coursed through her veins, igniting a familiar battle cry on her lips.

"Lighting Arts: Thunderstorm Queen Armor!"

The words resonated with power, and a dazzling display of white-blue electric sparks erupted around Ruele. It wasn't just a visual spectacle; the energy solidified into a full suit of armor.

Tiny white boots of sparkling light embraced her feet, white gloves pulsed with electric thunder on her hands, and on top of her head, a majestic white crown crackled with potent energy. The transformation was instantaneous, transforming Ruele into a formidable warrior bathed in an ethereal glow.

Her fiery red eyes momentarily vanished, replaced by a fierce white electric light that emanated from within the armor. The very air around her crackled with raw power, a sight that would make even the most seasoned warrior hesitate.

The Nexus fighters faltered for a moment, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and fanaticism. But their leader, a shadowy figure shrouded in darkness, remained unfazed. He issued a guttural command, and the attackers surged forward with renewed fervor.

The first Nexus fighter fell with a sickening thud, his body contorted at an unnatural angle from Ruele's electric strike. The potent current arced from her gloved hand, leaving a smoldering trail on the ground. But there were more. They swarmed her, their movements erratic and unpredictable, fueled by a twisted sense of devotion.

Ruele weaved through their attacks, her years of training kicking in. She unleashed a torrent of lightning, momentarily stunning a group of attackers, before using the opening to deliver a series of bone-crunching kicks and punches, enhanced by the raw power coursing through her armored form.

Meanwhile, Elora danced across the battlefield like a phantom. Her fighting style was a blur of precise movements and elegant lethality. She wielded a pair of short blades, each strike finding a vital point with deadly accuracy. One Nexus fighter lunged at her, his dagger dripping with a dark ichor. Elora sidestepped with inhuman grace, her blade flashing in a silver arc, severing his arm at the elbow.

Despite their valiant efforts, Ruele and Elora were outnumbered. More Nexus fighters poured

through the breach, their dark energy crackling in the air. A disquieting thought wormed its way into Ruele's mind. "This attack seems… desperate. They know a head-on battle against us is futile, yet they press the attack with reckless abandon. What is their true objective?"

Just as Ruele found herself surrounded, a wave of radiant energy erupted from the heart of the estate, slamming into the Nexus fighters and sending them flying backward.

Standing amidst the gardens, bathed in the golden morning light, was Valeria, Ruele's mother-in-law. Her eyes blazed with power, he hands crackling with potent energy. She had long been a formidable force, but now, fueled by the urgency to protect her family, her mana surged with renewed intensity.

The tide began to turn. Valeria unleashed a barrage of water blasts, pushing the Nexus fighters back towards the breach. Elora and Ruele seized the opportunity, pressing their attack with continued vigor. The Nexus fighters, faltering under the combined assault, began to retreat back towards the hole in the wall.

Suddenly, a booming voice echoed across the battlefield. A tall figure emerged from the smoke and dust, his face obscured by a dark hood. An aura of power emanated from him, chilling Elora to the bone.

"This isn't over, Pentagons," the figure snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "We will have what is rightfully ours and you will fall along with your pathetic resistance!"

With a flick of his hand, he unleashed a wave of dark energy that slammed into Valeria's shield of water. The impact sent tremors through the ground, and Valeria stumbled back, her brow furrowed in concentration.

Before Ruele or Elora could reach her side, the leader of the Nexus turned and vanished into the smoke, his followers retreating after him.

Silence descended upon the battlefield, broken only by the groans of the wounded Nexus members, who suddenly dissolved into wisps of dark mist, leaving behind an unsettling feeling of incompleteness. The air crackled with a faint residual energy, a chilling reminder of the battle.

Ruele deactivated her Thunderstorm Queen Armor, the crackling energy fading away to reveal her usual attire. Relief washed over her as she rushed to Valeria's side, finding her shaken but unharmed.

"That was… strange," Elora murmured, her voice laced with unease. "Why the sudden attack? Why retreat so quickly after losing so many fighters?"

Ruele nodded, her brow furrowed in deep thought. "Indeed. It felt… calculated. Like they were simply… distracting us."

A spark of fear ignited in Elora's eyes.

"Distracting us...from what?"

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