Family Ties

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Silas watched the father and son disappear into the foliage, their forms swallowed by the deepening twilight. A melancholic sigh escaped his lips, his gaze lingering on the empty space where they once stood. Memories flickered through his mind, vivid and poignant, a stark reminder of a time when they were a united family.

"Lost in reminiscing?"

The voice, smooth as polished stone, sent a jolt through him. He didn't turn, recognition washing over him in an instant.

"So it seems," he replied, his voice gruff. "But this is a burden he must bear alone. There's no help he can receive in this case, as you well know."

A low chuckle rumbled from the unseen figure. "Do you still harbor resentment, even after all these years? He may not have gained everyone's favor, but he earned their respect through sheer will. All except yours, of course."

Silas clenched his jaw, the past a festering wound he couldn't seem to escape. A swirl of emotions churned within him – resentment, pride, and a deep longing for reconciliation.

"It's not about resentment," he finally rasped. "It's about letting go of the past and embracing the future. Elio has carved his own path, just as I did long before he was born. Our paths diverged, and for many years, the sight of him was unbearable..."

The figure nodded, a knowing glint in his unseen eyes. "Perhaps it's time to mend those bridges, old man. To let go of the past and embrace the future, as you say."

Silas remained silent, contemplating the cryptic words. "This isn't the time for philosophical discussions," he finally said, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice. "Why are you truly here? Don't tell me you've suddenly found yourself with a mass of free time."

A sardonic chuckle filled the air. "Always so quick to jump to conclusions, I wonder who's fault is because I need to be in a hundred places at the same time, but patience is a virtue, remember?" The figure shifted, a dark silhouette emerging from the shadows. "Regardless, what are you going to do with the boy?."

Silas took a long drag from his cigarette, the ember glowing a faint orange in the gathering darkness. "As I said, I will train him."

"That will only complicate matters further...for me," the figure said with a sigh. "But I need to know. Will you take him to 'that place'?"

Silas met the figure's gaze, his eyes steely. "That place is precisely where he needs to be."

A flicker of something akin to approval crossed the figure's shadowed face. "Very well then," he conceded. "I will handle the arrangements... father." The weight of the word hung heavy in the air, a silent acknowledgment of a bond both cherished and strained.

Meanwhile, Elio trudged back towards their home, his steps heavy with a burden far greater than Jayden's unconscious form slung over his shoulder. He braced himself for the inevitable confrontation with Ruele, dreading the judgment in her eyes.

As he entered the house, Ruele's voice, laced with panic, shattered the tense silence. "Honey, what happened? What happened to Jayden? Is he alright?" Her gaze darted between Elio and their son, searching for answers.

Elio gently lowered Jayden onto the couch, his heart clenching at the sight of the angry red mark marring his son's cheek. Before he could utter a word, Ruele knelt beside Jayden, her eyes widening in horror.

The room crackled with a sudden energy as Ruele's form crackled with white-hot light. Her eyes became vividly white as sparks of yellow lightning rushed through them wildly, and white electric strands of harmful lightning covered Jayden's body into a blanket-like cocoon.

Elio stood frozen, a cold dread gripping him as he witnessed his wife's terrifying transformation. He knew he had to explain himself, but the words seemed to catch in his throat.

"I-It wasn't my intention to hurt him," he finally stammered, his voice barely audible over the crackling energy. "He was… he was acting out, and I lost control."

Ruele snapped her head towards him, her eyes narrowed into slits of white-hot fury. "You… you hit our son?" she growled, her voice sending shivers down Elio's spine.

Shame washed over him in a tidal wave. He had never laid a hand on Jayden before, and now, he had not only hurt him physically but also shattered the trust between them.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to, I just... I wanted to protect him, to discipline him. I thought I was doing the right thing."

Ruele didn't respond immediately, her gaze fixed on Jayden as the electric energy subsided, leaving him swathed in a soft, white glow. Ease washed over Elio, momentarily eclipsing the shame that gnawed at him.

Finally, Ruele rose, her eyes returning to a normal deep red, though a spark of residual anger flickered within them. She carried Jayden to his room, placing him gently on the bed with Elio followed close behind, the silence between them heavy and suffocating.

Once Jayden was settled, Ruele turned towards Elio, her expression unreadable. He braced himself for another outburst, but instead, she spoke in a surprisingly calm voice.

"Tell me everything, Elio," she said. "From the beginning. No omissions, no sugarcoating."

Elio hesitated, unsure where to start. He knew a simple apology wouldn't suffice.

Taking a deep breath, he began to recount the events of the day. He spoke of Jayden's outburst, his frustration, and the emergence of his powers. He described his conversation with Silas, the anger, the fear, and the ultimate decision to entrust Jayden's training to his grandfather.

He didn't shy away from his own mistakes. He confessed to hitting Jayden in a moment of anger, a lapse in judgment that now filled him with remorse.

As Elio spoke, Ruele listened intently, her expression shifting from disbelief to worry to a dawning understanding. She interjected occasionally, asking clarifying questions, but mostly, she allowed him to purge his soul.

By the time he finished, Elio felt drained, emotionally raw.

"Honey...I'm sorry, I don't believe it...I don't want to believe it. How can he behave like that!" she was angry, but this time, not at Elio but at her son.

"Is okay honey, he wasn't speaking something that is not true. I wasn't here for him, for Kiara...for you," he said with a melancholic smile on his face.

"Elio don't! This is just a phase of his life and we will manage it together. If he is a spoiled brat, then we will fix it," she took his hands into hers and kissed him slowly.

A long silence descended upon them, broken only by the soft snores emanating from Jayden's room. Ruele seemed lost in thought, her brow furrowed in concentration.

Finally, she spoke again, "He may have been out of line, but violence is never the answer."

Elio hung his head in shame. "I know, Ruele. I was wrong. I let my anger get the better of me, and I deeply regret it" he said with an apologetic voice. "We will fix it together, honey. I promise to be there for all of you from now on. I don't want to lose the most important people in my life because of my own mistakes," Elio said, feeling relieved that Ruele was willing to work through this challenge with him.

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