Unexpected Visitor

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The breakfast was quick, and Jayden went back to his room in an instant. For several weeks, he could feel something stirring inside him. The mana he managed to absorb had condensed into a small orb, like a vibrant green pea nestled near his heart.

Over the last two years, his improvement has been tremendous. Even though he didn't feel any significant physical or mental changes, his mana absorption had grown exponentially.

Jayden was now able to absorb mana after entering a meditative state for extended periods, sometimes reaching up to two hours if uninterrupted. He felt a deep certainty that something significant was about to happen within him.

Jayden closed his eyes, shutting out the surrounding sounds. After several minutes of focused breathing, he shifted his awareness inward. He could sense the vibrant green orb pulsating with energy, a tiny sun waiting to be unleashed. He took a deep breath and focused his mind on the orb, willing it to spread through his body.

After a few tense minutes, a tingling sensation danced across his skin as the mana expanded, flowing through his veins and filling him with a potent energy. It was an incredible feeling, like a surge of electricity coursing through him, and Jayden knew he was on the verge of achieving something extraordinary.

Meanwhile in the kitchen:

"Hey, you! What are you doing in here?" a gruff voice boomed from the kitchen doorway.

The scared figure, a gaunt man with unremarkable features, flinched at the unexpected voice. He had arrived amidst the chaos of the Nexus attack more than an year ago, cleverly slipping through a breach in the wall unnoticed. The attack itself had been a calculated move, a distraction to allow him to infiltrate the heavily guarded Pentagon estate.

"W-what do you mean?" he stammered, forcing a smile onto his face. "I'm just trying to help everyone as I always do."

Greg, the burly head chef, eyed him with a hint of amusement. "Haha, just messing with you, young man. You remind me of myself back in the day, always eager to please. Today's your lucky day, though. You've been assigned to deliver food to our young master's room."

A shiver ran down the intruder's spine, not from fear, but from a surge of suppressed excitement. That was the opportunity he'd been waiting for.

His infiltration wouldn't have been possible without his rare and valuable skill – shapeshifting.

The Nexus had recognized his potential years ago, a young outcast ostracized for his unusual abilities. They honed his talent, turning him into the perfect weapon – a weapon that could infiltrate the most secure locations unseen.

Twenty minutes crawled by, each one an eternity for the disguised man lost in his thoughts. He desperately strategized his next move, carefully considering how to approach the situation without arousing suspicion.

The stakes were impossibly high. Even if he managed to overpower Elora, the child would likely be protected by intricate runes woven into his clothing by his parents. The Nexus leader had emphasized the importance of capturing the boy alive but to kill him immediately if is not possible.

The intruder was prepared to go to any lengths, even detonating his own mana core if necessary, to eliminate any potential threats to the Nexus' plans.

With measured steps, he approached Jayden's room, and his plan solidified. He knew he wouldn't stand a chance against the child's protector. It was crucial to neutralize Elora swiftly and silently.

Meanwhile, in Jayden's room

Jayden's mind was a whirlwind of focus. With every fiber of his being, he concentrated on the glowing orb within him. It was as if he was peering into a vast, dark universe, and in its center, a single point of light sparkled and spun endlessly. It was mesmerizing, but his primary concern was what this phenomenon signified. The orb was sending pulses of mana throughout his body, causing waves of energy to ripple through him.

He closed his eyes tighter, focusing on the sensation, trying to harness the power of the orb within. It was a daunting yet exhilarating experience, as he felt the raw energy coursing through his veins, awakening something dormant deep within him. As the pulses of mana intensified, Jayden felt a surge of power build up inside him. It was like a dam on the verge of bursting, and he could feel the energy overflowing, ready to be unleashed.

Back at the door a nervous tremor ran through the disguised figure as he rapped twice on Jayden's door. He stood rigidly beside the small food cart, barely containing his churning emotions.

The door creaked open, revealing a stunning woman with cascading blonde hair that shimmered in the sunlight. Her piercing blue eyes locked onto his with an intensity that sent a jolt through him. Elora, Jayden's guardian, was a warrior honed to razor sharpness. Even in a simple act like opening a door, her posture and the subtle tension in her shoulders spoke volumes about her constant vigilance.

"Leave the food and be gone," she commanded, her voice cold and dismissive. It was clear she wasn't accustomed to unnecessary interaction with kitchen staff.

The disguised figure, his heart hammering against his ribs, stammered, "M-madam, a suggestion from the head chef. P-please consume the noodles with broth first, or they may turn sour due to the special meat used."

Elora paused, her gaze narrowing ever so slightly.

Was it just his imagination, or did a flicker of suspicion cross her eyes for a brief moment? Perhaps the unusual concern for the meal or the slight tremor in his voice raised a red flag. He held his breath, willing her to dismiss the suspicion and focus on the seemingly harmless task at hand.

Elora scrutinized him for another heartbeat, then stepped aside with a curt nod. "Very well. Place it on the table and leave immediately."

Relief washed over the intruder. He had managed to bypass the initial hurdle. Now came the delicate part – incapacitating Elora without raising an alarm.

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