The Charmer

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The day you walked towards me,
the day I felt the tingles of teen love
the hopes of true love
I've never felt more alive
I've never felt anything so Intense
In your eyes,
those golden Iris that could outshine the beauty of the sunset
those eyes that glazed purely in the feirceness of sunlight
I was sunken deeply into the amber bed,
Is it love?
or is it lust?
or is it mere curiousity?
all I could feel was my breath,
they've never been more heavier
my heart
throbbing away from me
wanting to be yours
seeking comfort in your arms
I loved you as much as I loathed you
I loathed you as much as You intruiged me
You intruiged me as much as You baffled me
The power you have over me can withstand
my deepest darkest desires
every gut wrenching thought I have of you
you could tell me noon was twilight,
twilight was dawn
dawn was dusk
and I would take your words over the truth of the nature 

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