The Laughing Lady

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They peirced the spotlight into my soul
I was trembling in their cold stares
They counted and counted,
the flaws and the scars
I was naked and nailed to the portrait of shame
I screamed and I cried to the moonlight
I put on a facade of smiles and cheers for the daylight
They called me the "Laughing Lady"
She's so glad like the fourth of july
She's so loud, She's such a shame
"Don't be like her" elders warned their kids
And On one of those days
The laughing Lady gained all her strength
She came through the nails and off to the rails
From Shadows to the hallows,she ran for her life,
She grasped for some air
I felt like a burden,Flesh and bone,I wanted to hide
but I couldn't find a spot that could fit me
So I scream so loudly
Loud and clearly
"Wretched Tons Disgusied as good"
My Insecurities was your sense of humor,
You didn't have to drag me down
Yet you dragged me down

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