Bluest Love

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I'm in my blue dress,
waiting for my love
I watch him from afar
all his mischievous acts,
How swiftly he rubbed off
the lipstick scars on his face,
"Was my Love not enough?"
I whispered to myself
I quickly ran to the door
To give him neck kisses
oh,How he used to love those
Maybe that'll bring my lover back to me
But his eyes reeked of destitute
that only her love could appetize
What did she had that I didn't!
Did my curls make you feel knotted
Is that why you went for luscious waves
Was my skin not pale enough from your love
Is that why do this cold blooded crime to me!
My honey eyes that held memories
were forgotten in icy blue
these eyes once you fell in love
Now drowns you in the guilt
The rock you put on my finger
is strong enough for to hold on
You pushed me to the bluest hole
How much hurt did you
think I can withstand
one dagger is all it took
to shatter me into a million pieces

All that Shines isn't GoldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora