The Girl in White

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I love you,
You whispered in my ears
Choked on my own betrayal
Your love drowned me
into the sea fo sorrow
Love was never served to me in a silver plate
So I learned to lick of the knife
Bleeding into silence was my love language
You built me a castle
but what I really wanted was the huts
You haunted me with purity
I look back the way we embroided out love
now I watch you lace it with your bare hands
scars from the needles
yet you won't go away
I wanted to let go but I wanted to hold on
I built a memorial for our love and kept calla lilies beneath
while you were spreading an Aisle
I can't be the one to say, I do
because,I don't see the light in us anymore
but my hands were too weak to take away your hope
So,I dressed up in white
and I stayed under the grey sky,
hoping the clouds will clear

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