Uhm. Excuse Me?

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Pierce POV

"Lookie here y'all if it ain't the southern gentleman of UB!" Colton tipped his imaginary cowboy hat at me with a click of his tongue.

"Oh fuck off Colton, you're from Texas!" I roll my eyes at him just to hear the rest of the team in the locker room burst out laughing, including Colten who pursed his lips to stop from cackling along just to snort and fail miserably.

"Dude.. you got one thick accent!" He hunched over in laughter. Some of the other guys chuckled but gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder in consolidation.

"All y'all are assholes" I joke along. Honestly, it's all in good fun. It used to bother me in the beginning but I know there is no real malice intent in the jokes. Apparently it's good for branding so why try to hide it?

I start making my way to my locker to prepare for practice. I can barely get my speedo on before coach's voice booms through the locker room. "Nolan! My office!"

I can hear some of the guys "ooh" behind me and I give them the bird before slamming my locker shut and heading out of the locker room toward coach's office.

"You needed me sir?" It's automatic at this point to put my polite face on as soon as I am faced with anyone of authority.

"Yeah. I was checking your times from the trials we did last practice. You are about half a second away from the current time that Tom Rhund has. If you really push it, you can knock out his record, Nolan." He tells me, not even bothering to look up from his computer.

"Yes sir." I give him a nod of understanding in return which causes him to glance over at me.

"I was thinking, if you focus on your core and shoulders more, your reach could extend some, which could knock out that half a second. For the practice today, I want you on the weights with paddles. For weight room tomorrow after practice, take time to stretch out. I have let the trainers know the objective so they will give you your new sets. I really need your head in this Nolan, got that?"

Internally, I may have freaked out just a bit. On the outside, I have mastered the craft of remaining cool, calm, and collected. I simply nodded a "Yes coach" in response.

He gave me a smile and a nod before signaling me out of the office.

As soon as I stepped foot out of sight, I leaned against the wall and dropped my head on it. Switching my whole training plan around? This is a gamble.. but hey, he's the coach, and a damn good one at that. Guess I have to go with his gut on this. I know he knows it's a gamble, it was clear in his smile once he gave me the plan. I have been working with him long enough to pick up on the fact that his smile twitches very faintly once he is unsure about something. I'll see if I can come in later for a bit to keep some of my previous routine going.

Once I cleared my head I sauntered back over to the locker-room, scoffing to myself as I heard the absolute chaos from outside the door. Let's see, guesses are that Trey is currently trying smack Will in the leg with a wrung towel. I bet that Lucas is dramatically trying to rap with his nose pincher on by the shrill sound in the background, obviously being cheered on by the Morehead twins.

As soon as I open the door I start to laugh, why? I was 100 percent correct in my prediction. What makes all of it even better, nobody is even bothered by the opening of the locker room door. My laugh is simply drowned out by the rest of the chaos ensuing before my very eyes. It's time to take out the big guns. I put my two fingers between my lips and whistle loudly. The locker room freezes in their spots as they turn toward me.

"I leave for five minutes and come back to chaos. Come on guys, we need to be in the water in five, better not be late or you owe me an extra 200 for every SECOND you are late." They stare at me and blink without moving.

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