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Pierce POV

"Pierce!" Coach looks over to me and nudges his head in the direction of the other pool. Let's see if I'll be able to feed myself later.

I hop out of the pool and grab my paddles and ankle band before walking over to the second pool. Some of my teammates cat call me as I strut my stuff over there, purposefully swaying my hips back and forth like a runway.

The second pool still looks deserted, and I notice the previous male guard was now replaced with a sulky looking female one. Guess it's a rough day today, huh. I mean, I can't really blame them. It doesn't sound all that exhilarating to watch people swim laps. God knows when I had to sit out practice for 2 weeks, back in high school, after stupidly thinking I could jump from a high ledge without consequence, I almost went insane.

You know what? I'll follow the rules since it's just me. With the other bozos it's kind of a lost cause, but I'll be good. I am captain, after all.

Before long, I can see the lifeguard walking over with the flags stuffed in his arms. Pretty much as soon as he looks up at me, he freezes in place.

Uhm?... is he.. OK? I hop on my feet and make my way over.

"You need some help with that?" I look over at the flags and reach out to grab them when he moves his whole body like a parent with their baby. It was honestly.. adorable?

I can't help but smirk a little at the way it looked when he realized what he did, like he wanted to be swallowed whole by the ground.

Of course, I had noticed him in the past. Like I said earlier, it has been ingrained in me to be familiar with people around me. I was familiar enough to know that he had been around for quite a while, at least the last 2 years, maybe 3? I can recognize him from the green eyes that stand out against his tanned skin. Even from farther away, it's noticeable. Although, up close, he was shorter  and in general, smaller than I expected. He wasn't short, I mean by average standards, but I spend the majority of my time around guys that are at least 6 feet tall, so his.. I don't know, maybe 5'10 frame... looked small.

It didn't really help that he mumbled a shy "sorry" under his breath while scrunching his body like he was trying to make himself disappear. I couldn't help but just look at him for a moment with raised brows and a pursed smile.

He seemed to literally snap out of his little shy state with a clearing of his throat. "I'm fine. If you want to help you can set out the weights you'll need. I'll connect them as soon as I'm done."

The stark contrast was amusing, to say the least. The scrunched up small shy guy that was there a second ago seemed to be replaced with a more confident version. His voice dropped a good octave lower, and his back straightened. If he wasn't right in front of me, I could have sworn he puffed out his chest and raised his chin.

"Aye aye Cap'n" I saluted with a smile. I could see a glimmer of a smile appear on his face as I marched past him towards the chest with the weights. It doesn't take me long to pile up the 25 pounds worth of weights next to the pulley system.

"PIERCE WHAT THE HELL IS THE HOLD UP?! YOU ARE STAYING HERE UNTIL YOUR SET IS DONE!" Coach's voice boomed from across the pool deck. I can feel my eyes trail over to... wait a minute.. what's his name? Shit, I never asked. He jumped slightly at the loud noise, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

As soon as he tied the second end of the flags to the pole, he muttered something to himself and gave the coach a side eye while literally sticking his tongue out at him. Ok, now I really can't hold back laughter.

David POV

Ooohhhhh if I could punch someone I would right about now... breathe David.. come on we need this job... think about the Karens that we are dodging by being here right now.

"Fucking asshole. As if we just have an automatic update system that tells us whenever you think of changing the practice setup.." I hissed through my teeth. Of course, nobody is paying attention, so you know what? Take this too! *sticks tongue out*

For the second time today, I stop dead in my tracks. There he is, Pierce Nolan, looking dead at me and laughing.


"You saw nothing." I pointed at him while looking up through my lashes. She snickered and patted my shoulder.

"Dude, relax. He wouldn't care even if he saw." He mused. Is he kidding? Easy for him to say as the perfect 6'3 star athlete on the way to being an olympian. I raised my brows at him in utter disbelief.

"Ok fine. My lips are sealed." He stated with a smirk, zipping up his lips and throwing away the key. He chuckled again immediately after but kept his eyes locked on mine.

Damn you and your charisma, Nolan.

"Uhm.. I kinda need to get to..." I stated, pointing at the Pulley System that his large frame was currently blocking.

"Oh. Shit, my bad man. " He seemingly snapped out of whatever dream land he was in and stepped aside. With a straight lipped smile, I brushed past him to place the weights onto the strings.

"Hey, I never got your name. I'm Pierce." He gave me that famous grin of his as he held his hand out to shake it.

"Yeah.. I know." Why did I sound suspicious stating it? Lord knows I have no clue. I mean, I guess I was confused for a myriad of reasons. One, why the hell would he care what my name is? Two, can I go back to being invisible? He's not gonna rat me out, is he?

"Oh? All for a good reason, I hope." He widened his smile to show off his stupidly straight and white teeth. Please tell me he is just being modest and is not actually surprised that I know who he is when we are literally standing underneath the record board covered in his name.

I looked at him incredulously and simply pointed to the board above us. He chuckled and rubbed his neck. "Oh.. well, since you know me, it's only fair I know you. I've seen you almost every day for years and don't even know your name." He followed up, leaning down to meet my gaze with that same stupid grin.

Wait... huh? Did he just say what I think he said? I could feel my eyes almost bulge out of my skull. "It's David.." I really tried to ignore the burning question that was itching at the back of my throat, but I guess today is just the day for my carefully curated mask to falter.

"You noticed I existed?" I raised a brow at him as I latched the final clip connecting the weights.

He scoffed with an almost meme-able 'are you fucking serious?' Expression on his face.

"Uhm duh... I'm not blind you know? It is kinda hard to miss noticing eyes like yours. I don't know if I should be offended right now!" He dramatically gasped. It was obvious he was being play- wait.. what?! Eyes like mine? Excuse me sir I am going to need you to elaborate.

Right as I opened my mouth to speak another booming voice interrupted me.


Pierce's eyes widened and he pursed his lips, quickly looping the belt around his waist. "Yikes... Well, I'll see you around David." With a final blinding smile he dove into the water and flew through it like it was nothing.

I stood there for a moment just processessing. What. The. Fuck?

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