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David POV

"shit shit shit shit shit!"

It's 5 a.m., and I am currently stumbling around in my pitch black apartment, attempting not to wake up my roomates. Yes attempting. I am a clumsy boy after all and there is not much success in the ways of sneaking out. My parents can wholeheartedly testify to that my senior year of high school. I got grounded. A lot.

Why am I cussing as I trip over objects scattered over the floor at this ungodly hour? Well, I work with a bunch of assholes and as a manager am one of the few that are able to open up the building.

Turns out, one of the other managers, Alex, who was supposed to open up today, never showed up. So yeah, I woke up about 10 minutes ago from my phone ringing non-stop. My boss, the one in charge of my continued employment, was basically yelling over the phone saying I had to get my ass over to the building to open up for the practice that is supposed to start in.. hm.. 15 minutes?

So yep, that about brings you up to speed. I rush to my bike and fly down the hill towards the university. It is times like these where I am even more grateful that I found Drea, Derek, and Mathew. Because of them, I live a measily 10 minute bike ride from work.

I literally get there with 5 minutes to spare, only to be greeted with a pissed off looking set of coaches and a crew of swimmers behind them.

"Finally damn" one of the swimmers mumbled once I pushed past them to open up the doors. I purse my lips and roll my eyes. Really do not need this right now, I am here as a courtesy if anything! I could hear a dull smack and a hiss before Pierce's voice filled the silence.

"Shut up Brad, don't be a dick."

An accomplished smile made it onto my face.

"Thanks for coming in David" Jessi yawned with her sweet as nectar voice. Jessi was one of the handful of people here that are nice to work with.

The doors slid open and coaches slipped past us followed by majority of the men's and women's swim team.

"You're welcome." I muttered under my breath when they turned out of view. Majority of the swimmers walked past us, some even muttering an "Excuse me" as we held the doors open.

Pierce was the last one to enter the building and he smiled at me. "Thanks David, sorry about Brad. He's not really a morning person." He chuckled lightly while rubbing the back of his neck.

I scoffed but managed a smile. "Yeah I kinda got that. But thanks."

"Well... I should get going to practice. See you in there." He gestured toward the inside of the building and gave me his famous smile before turning, greeting Jessi, and disappearing into the building.

"Oh my god, did he just acknowledge our presence?" Jessi smiled brightly. I chuckled and shook my head in amusement before we both entered inside and shut the doors behind us.

"Where the hell is Alex anyway?" I was halfway freaking out at this point. The next manager wasn't scheduled to come in until 10 and I had my 8 am dance class.

Jessi shrugged her shoulders. "There was a big frat party last night so honestly, he's probably dead asleep right now with a nasty hangover."

Oh yeah, I forgot Alex was a frat boy.

"Great.. well I guess I'll try to get ahold of him. Can you go to the station before they jump in the water? I'll complete all the opening stuff and then rotate you out."

Jamie, the check-in person this morning, waltzed in right when Jessi nodded and headed out to the pool deck.

"Jamie..." I gave her my best puppy dog eyes which made her scrunch her brows and lean away from me.

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