A Heartfelt Request

18.8K 1.4K 51

To my dearest readers,

You have become like a family to me in a span of very short time and I feel happy to see the love you have been showering on the story. You wait eagerly for updates, you motivate me by commenting good things. You do everything a author can ask for.

But today I am here to request something from you and hope that you can grant my wish.

I am a new writer but before that I was a reader for 3 years. I have read thousands of books here and believe me I have never forgot to vote. You may think that I am lying as the joining date on my profile say different thing. But at that time I used to run different account and now as a writer I am running a complete new account.

I know every author works hard for their story and I do too. But in return do I get enough votes or comments? The answer is no. I don't get enough votes or comments for the hard work I put through every single chapter.

Whenever I publish a new chapter I get excited to see how many votes or comments I am going to receive. But then reality hit me hard because the number of reads are more than 3k but votes are not even half of it.

So, I have decided after thinking a lot that from now on if I don't get the targetted votes and comments I won't be publishing the next chapter. I won't be wasting my hard work without getting enough motivation and motivation means votes+comments.

Thank you.

His Innocent QueenWhere stories live. Discover now