Part 1-Energy Wasted.

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Warning: Blood and Swearing!

The sun shined, as everyone woke up, it seemed like James was making more cures because it seem to be working for Dr Fry.

James: Are you feeling any better Doctor?

Dr Fry: I've been doing okay, I mean..I think the cure is slowly working?

James: Let's give it more time.

Dr fry: Yeah...You're right.

Meanwhile Donita and Martin were getting ready to inject more infecteds with the cure and putting it into the shots, when they both saw Rita kinda looking traumatized.

Martin: Um ma'am, are you okay?

Roddy: She still shocked...Well sort of.

Donita: Is this about what that rat did?

Rita: Yeah...I thought the Toad was going to die anyway.. I wasn't it expecting to be ONE OF THE HENCHRATS.

Silence came to the room.

Rainbow Dash: Me neither, I actually was expecting Ted to kinda do something about it.

Thimblenose Ted: What?

Rainbow Dash: Nothing! I said nothing!

James walked in to the room that the survivors were in.

James: Alright, is everyone or anyone ready? We need some people to stay here.

Megamind: Right, So me and Roxanne will find Minion. Donita, Martin, Chris, And Zach will find...Paisley and Rex? If you can.

Jimmy: Hey! What about me and Gourmand?

Gourmand: Yeah!

Megamind: You two will find Aviva and Koki.

Jimmy: Oh.

Po: Me and Tigress will find the rest of the furious 5.

As they were planning, TJ was listening in and came to the room.

TJ: We can help!

James: You? I don't know...

Henry: Please!?

Dani: Come on James, they can be helpful. Besides, even though I'm still a little mad at them for what they did, I shouldn't be too let them out.

James was thinking as she was looking at the kids.

James: Oh! Fine, They can help but they can't use shots!

Henry: Heck no! I hate injections!

James was going to say something, But Dani cut her off.

Dani: He had a injection before all of this happened.

James: Oh...Got it, Is everyone ready?

Gourmand looked at the henchrats.

Gourmand: I'm going to assume you guys are staying here?

Whitey: Yeah...

Gourmand: I should hate rats...but you guys are cool.

Barry: Thank!...I guess? I don't know that was kind of backhanded..

Dani: Alright guys! Let's go!

Everyone left the lab. With Donita, Martin, Chris and Zach.

Chris: Alright so we should find Paisley and Rex, I don't know where they are. Maybe we should head to..Hm.

Zach: Last place I saw them were my headquarters. Let's head there.

As Chris and Zach were talking, Martin and Donita were in the back walking.

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