Midnight Driving

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I switched my phone on and checked the time.it was 12:14 am.

I turned my attention back to the road and continued driving.

I usually get back home around 8 pm, but I had to work overtime today.

yeah , I've read like a million stories about driving at midnight , then getting killed , but I don't believe in them. they aren't even scary.

ghosts aren't real. I'm gonna keep believing that until someone proves me wrong.

after turning up the volume of the music I was listening to , I just focused on the road.

the street was silent , and there were no other cars on it. I wasn't surprised , because even when I go to work at 10 am , there are only a few cars I see. so why would there be cars at 12 am ?

 no one really comes here.

i looked at the road more clearly , and i saw a figure standing miles away on the track my car was being drove on.

I thought it was just some person crossing the road . but then, why would they just be standing there instead of walking ?

The person was really far away so I couldn't make out if it was a boy or a girl

the closer i got the more clearer i could see . I could say that she was a girl with her hands behind her back.

She was wearing a white gown.

who the hell wears a white gown and stands in the middle of the road at midnight with their hands behind their back?

At this point , i could see her eyes. and they were red. freaking red. wow.
goosebumps started to come up on my skin and i kept getting more frightened by the second.

There were 3 tracks on the road , and i was driving on the middle one , the same one she was on. so i switched my lane .

I closed my eyes , took a deep breath , and increased my speed on the third lane.

i left her behind. i felt relieved now.

a million thoughts were running through my mind right now.
Who was she?
Why were her eyes red?
Why was she standing in my track?
Is she a ghost?
Is that why people tell not to drive at midnight?
Why were her hands behind her back back

As I took a glance at my left, what I saw made me freeze with fear.

She was in the passenger seat grinning. there was blood on her fucking teeth.

And she had a knife in her hand . it came to me. when i saw her , her hands were behind her back. that's because she had the knife the whole time.

I was paralyzed with fear and i couldn't move.

I could just see what was happening and do nothing about it.

i should've gotten out of the car the moment i saw her , but as i said before , i couldn't move.

i regret saying i don't believe in creatures like her.

she smiled one  more time before fiercely plunging the knife into me.

after that , the only thing i saw was black.


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