65 - Did I call myself?

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About 15 years ago, this strange incident happened to me.

I used to have nightshift and I had to come to my office at 9 pm.

One night, when I came to work, my supervisor gave me a confused look.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "Im working tonight" I replied.

"But you just called hours ago and said you wouldn't come!" He said.

I was confused. I don't remember calling him. "That must've been someone else" I laughed it off.

There was a message that proved I had called him and told him I was sick cleaning the storm from last night.

Indeed there was a storm but I had not come out to clean it up. This struck me.

I decided to call my wife and tell her about it. So I dialed my home phone number

It rang twice before some-one finally picked it up.

I heard a raspy male voice saying "hello". It sounded like me.

I was so shocked. I didn't know what to do. I looked at the number again to make sure it was right.

"Hello. Who is this?" I asked nervously.

"It's Taylor. Who is this?" the voice replied.

A chill ran down my spine and I gulped. My freaking name is Taylor!

"Where's Ann?" I asked. I wanted to scream right now.

"Ann's in bed. Who is this?" He replied.

I dropped the phone and told the supervisor that I needs to go home quickly for an emergency.

As I was leaving, my confused supervisor picked up the phone and said "hello."

I drive home as fast as I could. I didn't know what the hell was going on.

When I got home, I burst through the front door and saw my wife sitting comfortably on the couch while watching t.v.

She was a bit surprised to see me home this early.

She also said that there was nobody else in the house and the phone hadn't rung all night.

I picked up the phone to call my supervisor but the line was dead.

The other night, when I went back to work, my supervisor gave me a wierd look.

"How the hell did you do that!?" He asked.

He told me that when I left the night before, he picked up the phone and the person on the other side sounded exactly like me.

So he freaked out and hung up.

Then it got more weird. Just after a min he got the call, I called him again from my house and asked him what's going on.

He said I sounded angry and told him to stop playing games with me.

I just froze. I stared at him as if I had seen an alien. This was insane!

Later , I found out that the phone line for my area had been knocked down by the previous storm.

Thai was absolutely the strangest thing that had ever happened to me.


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