39 - The smiling man

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About five years ago, I lived in a major city in U.S.

I am a night person so I always get bored after my roommate sleeps early at 9 pm.

To spend time, I usually went out for late night walks by myself.

I spent four years like that, walking alone at night and not feeling afraid. There was no reason to feel scared.

But all of my thoughts changed on this one night.

It was Wednesday and I went out for a walk at 2 am in the morning to an empty park.

It was obvious that nobody was there in the park because it's 2 am.

After taking a round in the park, when I was ready to go back to my apartment, was the first time I noticed him.

I saw a silhouette of a tall man dancing. The dance was really weird. It was like he was heading straight for me.

I thought he was high so I moved from the street to the road so he can have majority of the space.

The closer he got, the more I could see how gracefully he was moving.

He was really tall and was wearing an old suit.

Now, I could see his face. His eyes were really huge and his face was staring up at the sky. He had this cartoon wide smile from his ear to ear that creeped me out.

I decided to cross the road before he got any closer.

I took my eyes off hum to cross the street. After crossing, I turned back and stopped dead in my tracks.

He had stopped dancing and was standing on one foot, perfectly parallel to me.

But he was not looking at me. He was still staring at the sky with his creepy smile.

I was completely unnerved by this. I started walking again but kept my eyes on him. He didn't move.

I turned away from him for a moment to watch the sidewalk in front of me.

I looked back to where he had been standing and he was gone! I felt relieved for a moment but I noticed him again.

He had crossed the road. And he was facing me. I just had looked away for 6 seconds and this could tell how fast he moved.

I was so shocked that I just kept staring at him. And then he started moving towards me.

He took giant steps. Really big ones. He was moving really quickly.

But me, I did not run even though I should have. I just stood there, staring at him.

He was just 5 feet away from me. I could not do anything.

I just spoke "What do you wa...". I wanted to say what do you want. But It did not come out of my mouth.

He stopped coming towards me and again started staring at the sky with his wide smile.

After what felt like forever, he turned around and started dancing away from me.

And I turned my back to him and started running towards my apartment.

I saw in the corner of my eye, he had disappeared.

But after a few moments,I again saw a shadow. It was the same man. The shadow got bigger and bigger until it was twice my size.

I saw the man again and this time, he was facing me and running towards me.

I ran too. I ran faster than I ever had to my apartment and locked the door.

I never saw him again as I never went out for a walk at midnight. I lived in that city for six months and then shifted to a new place.

There was something about his face that scares me. Maybe, his wide smile or his eyes. I don't know. But every time I think about that night, shivers run down my spine.

I will never forget that smiling man.


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Xoxo Nan

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