97 - Ghost apartment

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I was moving into an apartment in Toronto. I had been told that I had to live with a room mate for two weeks and after that , he would move out.

I agreed to that and shifted to that apartment.

The second day of me moving in , my room mate was blaming me for sleep walking around the apartment till 4 am and constantly banging on the wall that separated our rooms.

I told him I never did that and we finally came to a conclusion that the sounds could be coming from other apartments and he was just dreaming about the sleepwalking thing.

But this continued every night , every night , we both would hear abnormal voices from the living room .

We just decided to ignore it.

Two weeks later , he moved out and the first day of him moving out , I slept in his room to see if there's any difference in the voices.

But I heard the voices again.
Next morning I woke up , all the photos hung on the wall were upside down. I wondered who could've done all that.

Next night , I heard laughter coming from the other room.
It sounded like a little girl's laughter .

I slowly got up and walked to his room and saw a little girl in a white frock with jet black long hair with her back facing me. She slowly turned around and I saw her face for a second and then bam ! She disappeared. I still had her image fixed in my mind.

Soon , there was no one else in the room and there was silence.
I went back to my room convincing myself it was just a dream , I was just dreaming.

That afternoon , I was in the office room when I heard piano.

I got up and went to my room and sure enough , there was my piano being played but the person who was playing it was apparently invisible.


I tried to write this story , and I know this did not scare you so I'm sorry.

But anyways , #3# 💕

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