Chapter 19: To Kill Or Not To Kill

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Red's POV

Where am I? What... Terra! Those people!

"Wake up, you peace of shit." They bickered towards me suddenly feeling water splash onto my face, droplets falling onto my legs the front and back of my shirt drenched. I moved my wrists causing me to wince in pain, my wrists and neck numb.

"Red, do you see Terra? We can't," There was a pause as Allison screamed in pain. "Jonathan finish please baby."

"Dude you have to go full Order, we haven't Terra and they just toke Aacia into questioning." Jonathan groaned I would inspect from the metal on his neck.

"What! How long ago? AH!" I twisted around my neck and screamed feeling my wrist start to bleed. The gentlemen who woke us up wasn't with us anymore' my senses were betraying me everything felt heighten my skull throbbing in my and ears ringing.

I'm surprised to have heard Aacia starting to scream at the top of her lungs, making the three of us turn away in pain. "I don't know anything!"

"AACIA!" I yelled hearing soft mumbles, the door suddenly being slammed opened. Aacia was starting to form a black eyes, her lower lip starting to become swollen her lip cut open. The smell of her sweet nectar started to make my throat dryer than before.

"Red?" Aacia crocked weakly, her arms cuffed behind her back as she was suddenly shoved to the floor. The impact made her groan in pain the click of a gun pressed against your temple.

"Well, well, well look whose finally awake after all my dear old friend Red." The voice was feminine but husky her accent Russian from the person holding the weapon against Aacia.

"Way, what the hell are you doing to my girl?" I said through my teeth the sight of my partner ready to kill the love of my life. "Ellie please don't."

"You hear that? He wants me to stop," Ellie tugged on Aacia's ravenous black hair making her whimper in pain, bringing her head back and body arched. "How pitiful of him leaving you mortal like the rest of us."

"Ellie don't shoot please, she has nothing to do with this. Aacia is nothing but an innocent person in all this chaos." Allison sounded persuasive trying to use her charm in order to stop her.

"Shut up Allison! I wouldn't want to shoot you for having such a big mouth," Ellie pointed her pistol at her direction the door inches away from Ellie open.

"This is a waste of time Petrov, shoot the girl so we can contact Iris and make that deal for the Lone Star."

"Tell Tony I've got this and to stop riding my ass Chris, bring him in here too."

"Whatever you say, Sonya." Chris commented leaving the room as the door shut.

I started to chuckle and bit my lower lip, feeling the chain burn my skin more lifting and lift my head up looking into the once blue eyes I use to trust of Ellie Way. "You work for them don't you?"

Ellie, I mean Sonya laughed at my respond. "Stupid Americans always thinking were the enemy. Listen to me The Order is doing the right thing, something you or Drake never saw before."

The door was slammed opened behind Ellie when Drake was thrown to the ground Aacia throwing herself over him. "Drake are you okay?" Aacia asked trying to move him with her shoulders making him groan in pain.

"What the hell is going on?"

"That's the question of the night folks. Let's give you a quick update your psycho to what I guess ex-girlfriend is working for the Order her name is Sonya Petrov and you look like shit." Jonathan started to joke. Ellie glared at him in anger.

Lone Star (#Wattys 2015)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant