Let go

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"Dinah calm down! You need to try and breathe or you're literally gonna pass out!" Lauren warned the frantic girl in her arms. Dinah really did try so hard to control her breathing and focus on the fact Lauren was there, but all she could see was her past coming back to haunt her.

"Baby listen-listen to me, listen to my voice. It's not real what you're seeing right now, it's an illusion you're here and you're completely safe with me." Lauren promised and soon enough it all clicked, and Dinah was back in the bedroom, sat still in Lauren's arms. "I-I am so sorry Lauren, I didn't mean to-" Dinah gasped tearfully and Lauren kissed her forehead gently.

"Shh, it's all okay Dinah, it's alright now." Lauren breathed, relieved Dinah was back in the present time and no longer the frantic and flailing body that she was before. "Thank you for staying. I love you." Dinah mumbled as she buried her head in Lauren's neck "Are you kidding me? Dinah after everything you've ever done for me I wouldn't just leave you. You mean the world to me, I love you too." Dinah moved her head out of Lauren's neck to kiss her, it was slow and gently unlike the first. Lauren could still taste the saltiness of Dinah's tears on her lips and pulled away. "Why are you still crying?" She asked. Dinah shrugged "I don't think that..I had ever really processed, what happened to me. It happened so fast." Dinah whispered. Lauren nodded in agreement. Lauren knew exactly what Dinah was feeling and it was a very bad place to be in.

"Always standing just outside of the circle, and no one lets you in. You blame it on yourself. But you're looking in a mirror through a broken window. Shout it out, all the noise that you let in, let it go just fade away. If you could only see there is only light where you think there's shadow." Lauren sang gently, Dinah was always soothed whenever Lauren sang to her, and it was rare. She only sang to Dinah when she needed to.

"In the night, every road you take, in the night, brings you back to me. Yeah don't stand alone, I'm right here. So take my hand, don't be scared. We can go, anywhere. You don't have to run, you don't have to hide. Cause I got you. Safe in my hands, safe in my hands." Lauren sang softly, she kissed Dinah's forehead to keep her calm between the verses. Lauren probably loved singing to Dinah as much as Dinah loved to hear it, but she would never admit it.

"Holding you close and I don't care who's watching. Let the street lights guide the way, tell me times will change and they'll look at us like we're broken and strange. In the night, every road you take, in the night, brings you back to me.  Don't stand alone, Dinah I'm right here." Lauren smiled gently at the girl before singing again "So take my hand, don't be scared. We can go anywhere, you don't have to run. You don't have to hide, cause I got you. You're safe in my hands, safe in my hands. Safe in my hands, babe. So take my hand, don't be scared. We can go anywhere, you don't have to run You don't have to hide, cause I got you." Lauren kissed her cheek and pulled Dinah closer towards her, if that was even possible to do.

"I pull you close, let them stare. I'm with you. So I don't care, no you don't have to run. You don't have to hide, cause I got you. You're safe in my hands, safe in my hands. Yeah you're safe in my hands, safe in my hands." Lauren finished. The second she looked down at Dinah she was pulled into a loving kiss, full of nothing but pure adoration. "I love you so much Lauren, and I'm sure that I'll never get tired of hearing you sing to me." Dinah smiled as they pulled away. Lauren giggled, slightly embarrassed "Cute, I love you too Dinah Jane, way more than you'll ever know." Lauren leaned back in for another kiss.

The rest of the afternoon consisted of a few movies until Dinah decided it was time for them to have dinner. Lauren immediately tensed up at the mention of the word, but tried not to show her discomfort. Dinah had already picked up on it and kissed Lauren's cheek for reassurance. "I'm here, and you did so well at lunch. You can get over this Lo. There are so many other ways, healthy ways, to cope with what you're feeling." Dinah told her honestly.

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