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"Who was it?" Lauren asked when Dinah re-entered the room "Just the police." She answered casually, Lauren looked up curiously "Really? What did they want?" Dinah cast her a quick look "My father's dead." Lauren's green eyes widened "Shit Dinah! I'm really sorry babe. Are you okay?" Dinah gave her a small laugh "Yeah, I'm good. I mean, I'm honestly kinda relieved about it." Lauren gave her a look of disbelief and walked out the room without a word.

"Lo?" Dinah called after Lauren and followed her out "What's up?" Lauren shook her head and grabbed her coat "I'm going to Mani's." was all she said before slamming the door behind her. "Oh.." Dinah mumbled staring at the closed door in confusion. Dinah didn't really know how to pass the time so she settled on watching TV, she didn't do that much these days. It would be good to wind down for a while and forget the drama that consumed her life.

Lauren stood outside her best friend's house and knocked on the door, when her mother opened the door, Lauren gave her an appreciative smile. "Hi Andrea, sorry I stopped by so late, but is Normani in?" Andrea nodded and invited the girl inside from the cold. "Normani! Lauren is here, honey!" She called and Normani came downstairs in a hurry. "Lauren? Hey, what are you doing here?" Lauren sighed "I needed a friend to talk to, if it's not a good time-" Normani shook her head and grabbed her hand to bring her up to her room "Don't be silly Lo, come on up." She smiled, it was pretty rare for her best friend to make an appearance at her house nowadays.

They both sat on her bed and faced each other. "So what's on your mind?" Lauren sighed "Dinah got a visit from the police just now, her father is dead." Normani gasped "Why aren't you with her?!" Lauren scoffed

"She was relieved. Dinah was almost happy he was gone. I just..I couldn't sit there and watch her be so ungrateful.. I mean, I would give literally anything to have my father back here with me." Normani listened to her and nodded "I can understand that Laur, but I don't think Dinah's really relieved. I think she hasn't processed it yet. I can see where you're coming from, completely. But you really need to be with your girl right now."

Lauren groaned "Fuck it, why am I such an idiot Mani?" Lauren cursed and Normani shook her head "You're not an idiot, you just got caught up in your own feelings, which by the way is a totally valid response, honestly if it were me I'd probably act the same way as you did." Lauren took a deep breath and sighed "Thanks Mans, I love you." Normani smiled "Anytime Lauren, I love you too. Now go be with Dinah, and don't be a stranger, right? It was good to see you." Lauren smiled and kissed her cheek when she stopped at the front door "I won't, I promise. I'll come by again when you're free next." Normani nodded "For sure honey, bye Lo. Good luck!" Lauren smiled at her and waved her friend goodbye.

When Lauren got home she saw Dinah staring at a blank screen, the TV had gone blank. Dinah wasn't watching anything. It were as though the girl was lost in a trance. "Dinah?" Lauren waved her hand in front of her face and clicked her fingers to gain her attention but she didn't even blink. "Babe can you please say something?" Lauren urged, Dinah mumbled something inaudible making Lauren furrow her eyebrows "I didn't quite catch that." Dinah met Lauren's eyes and the dark eyes filled with tears "He's gone." Lauren sighed and sat with Dinah pulling the Polynesian into her embrace.

"I'm sorry I ran out on you earlier. I just-never mind, it doesn't matter." Lauren decided quickly, Dinah was the main focus now. Lauren heard Dinah sniffle softly and stroked light patterns on her forearm. "It's fine to cry you know, it's grieving. It's natural." At that point Dinah let out a sob and Lauren held her close in her arms "I know babe." Lauren mumbled.

Dinah just cried in Lauren's arms, she thought she was relieved. She thought she would be fine with it. But then she realised that he wasn't always the man he was that night, he was a fun loving spirit who loves his family, Dinah was even often told his favourite of the wide family. "He didn't deserve to die for it." Dinah said in between her sobs.

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