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"No. I can't leave her now, what kind of asshole would that make me?" Lauren replied in a hushed tone. "Lauren come on, you haven't seen me in months and you're blowing off our first date in like, possibly ever for Normani just being in a bad mood." Dinah groaned, becoming irritated. "You don't understand Dinah. It's much more than that, Mani doesn't play with this stuff." "But-" "Dinah she fucking needs me, alright? And I'm not kidding when I say she never admits to this stuff. This is the one thing, the one time, that it's really important, trust me on this." Lauren said nervously. "Please Dinah." Dinah sighed. "Fine, I guess." She muttered out begrudgingly. Lauren smiled gratefully until her next words. "I mean it's not like me being back and us being back together for the first time in months is a big deal or anything." "I didn't pick this timing, and neither did Normani. You're not usually this selfish Dinah and this isn't the girl that I love. So you'd better deal with your own shit before you moan about other people's." Lauren hissed before walking away, or more like storming off. Normani curled into her best friend's side when she sat next to her and clenched her hands as soon as they wrapped around her waist. "It's okay Mani." Lauren mumbled in a soft voice, watching as Dinah ascended the stairs with a hard frown etched on her face, seeming to be heading over to Camila's room. Probably to rant to her. "Are you and Dinah fighting?" Normani sniffled, looking worried. "Sort of." "Is it my fault?" Lauren's eyes met hers in an instant. "What? No! No, Mani. She's just got some stuff to figure out. Don't worry about it." Lauren dismissed the idea, stroking the hair out of her face, it being stuck to her tear stained cheeks. "Come on, let's go get you cleaned up." She sighed sadly. Normani reluctantly followed her, seeing as she was being dragged to the bathroom by her wrist anyway. "Sit there, I'll get a washcloth." Lauren said, lowering Normani's limp yet shaking body onto the edge of the bath. Normani stared into space as her best friend wiped at her face gently, a worried frown on her face as she watched her friend in inner turmoil. When Lauren finished she tried to pull her friend up but Normani was in her own world, unmoving. Lauren chewed on her lip in thought before opening the door to her room and physically picking Normani up, carrying her to her room to stay with her for the night. "Mani, come back to me babe." Lauren whispered to her best friend gently and stroking her arm sweetly in order to lull her back into reality. Normani blinked and seemed to register where she was. "You can stay here with me tonight, do you wanna do that?" Normani took a deep breath and nodded sadly, nestling her head against her shoulder, resting an arm over Lauren's waist. "Thank you Lauren, for taking care of me." She mumbled. "Hey, hush up, that's what best friends do." "Hm..Goodnight Lo." "Goodnight." Lauren smiled, snaking her arms around her protectively. In the middle of the night, a text lit up Lauren's phone and a small ding woke her up. Lauren was a light sleeper when she was anxious. She sniffed, grabbing her phone blindly off the table and checking who the text was from, Dinah. I'm sorry. it read. Lauren texted back a reply of You'd do the same if you were me. Dinah instantly texted back. Are you still mad? Lauren sighed. I'm not mad anymore babe, I'm worried about Mani. Dinah wrote a reply that made a tired Lauren smile involuntarily. Can I come to your room please Lo? Mila is literally on top of me and I really miss cuddling you. Lauren pouted adorably, proceeding to look down at Normani, who was out like a light, head resting on her shoulder. I think there's room. She said, trying not to seem so eager at the idea. A few minutes later, the door opened slowly, light creeping into the darkness of the bedroom, a sleepy smile taking over Lauren's face as she patted the space next to her. "Have you even slept yet?" Lauren asked, noticing the how tired Dinah looked, even in the dark. Dinah slowly shook her head and avoided eye contact. "Are you okay?" Lauren asked. Dinah yawned and then closed her heavy eyes, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Yeah, I am now." In the morning, Camila had unexpectedly surprised everyone with fresh banana pancakes; provided they came down to get them. Dinah was unsure at first if she would like them, but after the first taste decided Camila was brought into the world solely to make those pancakes. "These are really good Camz." Lauren smiled, for once scarfing some food. "Yeah Mila, you've really outdone yourself here." Normani complimented. "Is this really Camila though? Why did you just wake up at a decent time and make banana pancakes? Are you sick?" Dinah asked in a fake worried tone, reaching out to feel the girl's forehead. "No, I'm not." Camila said, swatting her hand away. "I just wanted to do something nice." The Cuban shrugged. Lauren pouted and got up after finishing her plate. "Let me help you wash up. It's the least I could do for you after that really incredible breakfast." Camila smiled. "Well sure Jauregui, if you insist." "I do." Lauren smiled, leading the way to the sink. "I mean it Camz, you have a gift with those pancakes. Have you tried cooking different stuff in general?" "Well we have the cooking schedule, but as you know it's often pasta, and anyone can make pasta." "Maybe try more stuff, get out of your comfort zone a bit." Lauren suggested warmly. "Maybe. Well, I don't know.. Cooking is Ally's thing. Even if I'm good, I don't want to take that away from her." "You two won't be the only chefs in the world Camz. Who knows, maybe you could go into business together one day." Camila chuckled. "No way. It's just a fantasy Lauren. I'm nowhere near good enough for that." "Why not? Who says!" Lauren exclaimed. "You don't know until you try. Promise me you'll at least try." "It's stupid.." "Please? C'mon humour me." "I don't know Lo.." "Trial me with all types of food this week, you'll have all the time in the world with the stove while Ally's with Troy." "That's true I guess." Camila admitted. "Exactly, and then I'll be completely honest with you about how it all is, taste, presentation, everything. I'll be like your food critic." Lauren said sincerely. Dinah looked up and nodded, this was her girlfriend's best chance at eating a good amount of meals. "Do it." Dinah mouthed, the Cuban looked over at Normani who had admittedly been paying attention and was also nodding her head now, very enthusiastically. "Alright. You're on." Camila held out her hand to seal the deal, which Lauren shook delightedly. "Great! Let's get started." "Wait now?" Camila said surprised it was happening so quick. "Don't I get a break?" "Nope. Your break was your breakfast. Come on." Lauren smiled. Normani smiled, Lauren must still be hungry and disguising it. She would probably have had more pancakes if Dinah hadn't eaten the remaining ones. Normani gave the girl a sudden slap on the arm. "Ow! What was that for??" The surprised Polynesian questioned. "Just for being you." Normani said vaguely.

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