Solid Friendships

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Lauren woke up with Normani cuddled up to her so much that she could barely move an inch, but considering the fact her phone was ringing at 7am, she did find some way to move. "Hello?" She mumbled very sleepily to the unknown caller "Lolo?" Camila sniffles, Lauren's eyes widened more when she heard her friend seeming upset "I'm here. What's wrong Camz?" Camila huffed tiredly, but it wasn't a tired "I haven't slept in ages" sigh, it was a "I'm tired of life and I don't know what to do anymore" sigh. "Camila what's the matter? Why are you crying?" Lauren asked, Camila did give an answer this time "My mom just got home, but she says we're all going away." Lauren sat up at that making Normani bolt up with her at the very sudden weight shift "Lauren what the hell?" Lauren hushed her best friend putting a hand over her mouth to silence her before she spoke to Camila again to address the issue.

"What do you mean?" Camila sighed "It's all so last minute Lauren and no matter how hard I try she won't listen to me." Lauren frowned "But you can't! Camz just don't go! You said that you'd come to uni with us, you can't up and leave. You have a choice." Normani spoke loudly muffled protests against Lauren's hand and hastily removed it from her mouth "Give me the phone." She snatched it from her hands "You get your ass over to my house now Cabello." -there was a short silence "I don't give a damn when your flight is. Do you want to go?" She heard Camila say a very adamant no and Normani sprung on it "Then come straight here and don't you dare look back." She instructed before hanging up "What are we going to do?" Normani flung the covers off them both "Whatever we have to do. You wait for Camila, I'm going out to get Dinah and you both meet us at Ally's, and I mean as soon as you've gotten Mila. Got it?" Lauren nodded and that was that. She waited for Camila to arrive and they made their way to Ally's.

"What even is this meeting?" Camila asked and Ally smiled "This meeting is my surprise. I got the emails and we all got into NYC University for our classes. So, Camila you're going to be coming to New York with us." Camila smiled but it soon dropped "But my Mom-" Dinah growled "Screw your mom! This is your future we're talking about Chancho!" Lauren nodded "Dinah's right. So how exactly is this all supposed to pan out Allycat?" Ally turned to Lauren "Well, I may or may not have already bought us all an apartment already, and also may or may not have booked us a flight for tomorrow to be in New York." The other 4 girls exchanged a few surprised looks before realisations crossed over their faces "YOU DID WHAT NOW?!"

Camila gasped next "Ally how are we all going to pay for it?" Ally smiled "We'll manage! There's 5 of us for heavens sake!! NYC is a massive place full of jobs in some place or another. We all have good GCSE grades, we'd all make good employees. Who's to say that New York won't be the best time of our lives?" Normani smiled and patted her on the back "Gotta hand it to you girl, you got this in the bag. But how did you pay for an apartment by yourself?" "I have a real big college fund, this was a great chance to use it. And I have money left over even after, would you believe."

Dinah grinned "You, smalls, are really freaking amazing." Ally blushed "Thank you biggie." "So hold on, you mean to say that this time tomorrow we'll all be on a plane to New York?" Lauren's smile grew by each word. Ally nodded "What did I tell you Laur," she reached out to squeeze the Cubans hand "it's our new adventure. Just like I promised you." Lauren felt tears build in her eyes and hugged the girl tightly "I love you." Ally giggled "I love you too." Dinah tapped Lauren's shoulder making the girl meet her eyes "Lauren can I talk to you?"

Green eyes met nervous brown and she got up and Dinah followed her into a private bathroom that Ally had near to her room "What are we?" Dinah asked Lauren while nervously fiddling with her bracelet. Lauren bit her lip "I don't know Dinah, I know it wasn't your real intention but you hurt me. You never meant to want yourself to get to know me. Sure, maybe I am being stupid and oversensitive here but, even if you did fall in love with me, it wasn't coming from you. Give me some time, I know we're all going to New York together. But I need time and I need space. The idea was to stay with Normani for a few days and keep my distance from you." Dinah went to interrupt her but Lauren had her hand on the doorknob already "Going to New York doesn't change any of this, I'm sorry." Lauren apologised before twisting the sphere and leaving Dinah in the bathroom alone with her lonely thoughts.

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