The gang leader wants me

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Chapter 5
Skylar's pov

I whispered "my parents," I started to cry, I didn't want to look up because I felt disgusted with myself and scared.
Sebastian lifted up my chin gently, "shhh baby girl, don't cry as long as i'm alive no one will dare to touch you," he kept on whispering sweet things to me which calmed me down.

Suddenly Sebastian picked me up bridal style and walked towards his gang members, I hissed in pain and burried my head in his chest, I could feel his eyes on me as I felt his hand soothing my ribs which kinda helped.

He faced towards his gang and spoke in a mad tone "let's go downstairs guys and meet the bastards."

As he was carrying me I heard someone say "wait!" I'm assuming its his best friend John.

He looks at Sebastian and then at me, he pouts and hold his arms out "can I hold her?" I heard laughter besides me, Sebastian growls "mine" and nuzzles his head in my neck.

"hey don't go all cave man, I just want to hold my new sister so give me her so she can meet her new brother," Josh said whilst smirking but I was confused. I heard Sebastian huff and passes me to him, I didn't want to let go, I tighten my grip on his neck.

I heard a deep chuckled which made my heart stop, Sebastian leans closer to my ear and whispered, "princess I trust John, don't worry he'll protect you whilst I talk to those sick bastards," he growls at the end, I nod, he gently gives me to John and I put my head on his chest.

John kisses my head and says, " i'll protect you sis," he smiled down to me and I returned the smile, I never had a brother before it made me have tears of joy.

Next minute I know I heard Alec and Carter whine, Sebastian sighs with irratation and says "what now," Carter says " I want to hold her too." I looked at Sebastian and he looks like he is about to burst with anger and it seems I am correct.


They all grunted but nodded, Sebastion motioned everyone to follow him downstairs as we were all heading to the living room,this guy who wore a black suit and shades came towards John, I'm guessing he's one of the body guards.

"Ooohh who's this," John replied "Sebastian's girl."

Once John said that a bunch of guards came towards me, pinching my cheek and saying how cute I look and one of them even asked if he can adopt me. Sebastian looked towards me and saw how uncomfortable I looked, he walked towards me and took me out of John's arms.

Sebastian's POV

I hated the fact that my princess was in the arms of another man, but I have to so I can 'talk' to those bastards.
As I was heading to the living room I heard awes and cute, I turned around and saw my baby girl surrounded by men, she looks so uncomfortable.

Now I'm fucking furious,I pushed my way towards her and gently picked her up bridal style from John's arms and she instantly put her arms around my neck and tucked her self under my neck, I smiled and kissed her cheek.

I looked at John and he was jumping up and down "why man, I didn't do anything wrong" I ignored him and walked to the living room with my gang members behind me.

When we entered I saw a man and women tied to the chair, the man was getting punches by my guards, I heard my princess whimper, which made me upset, I never want to see her cry.

I shouted "STOP!" the guard nodded and bowed his head down with respect.

I whispered in my baby girls ear "baby I'm gonna give you to Carter he will take you in the car I want you to sleep, okay shhh don't be scared I'll be out there soon love," she nodded and said "thank you." Her voice was so angelic and sweet, I kissed her cheek again and she blushed, I chuckled and handed her over to Carter.

"Finally I get to hold her" I glared at him then gave her to him and nodded my head to him, he knew what I want him to do, he disappeared with few of the guards. The only people with me is Alec, Carter and 5 guards.

I walked to her so called father and kneeled down to him, he spoke with shock "S S S Sebastian w what y you d doing here s s sir?"

"What am I doing here, oh let me think, rescuing my baby girl," I was about to say something else but he beat me to it " s sir w why d did you c choose that slut, t there a are many w women who are b better l looking then t that bitch."

When he said that, most like stuttered, I saw red, my blood pumping with anger I punched him on the jaw which made the chair fall with him on it. I repeatedly punched him and kicked him in the stomach, I got my gun out and shot him in the leg.

I heard the women scream, I turned my focus on her, I approached her in a predator way. She shrinked in fear, I smirked, I kneeled down in front of her and said "did you put bruises on Skylar?" She nodded her head and cried.

I clicked my fingers and 4 guards came and untied them and dragged them in the black SUV, they think they got away but trust me I'm gonna make sure I punish these punks badly for hurting my girl.

I walked outside where my baby girl was, I saw Carter and bunch of guards surrounding the car looking through the windows. I looked at John and Alec who had confused looks, I walked closer and saw Carter saying "she's freaking adorable" I heard laughter.

Carter whispered yelled "shhh guys your gonna wake her up," I went to Carter and asked " what's going on?" He replied back "look she's sleeping like a baby," I looked inside the car through the window and saw my princess sleeping, she looked so beautiful, her head was on the door and she hugged her legs, her black hair was covering her face.

I turned around to my gang and angrily shouted "go in your cars!" They all bowed there heads in respect and left, I turned to Carter "what the hell man," Carter put his hands up in surrender.

I was about to talk to him but I heard my baby girl Sturr in her sleep.

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