I Hope You like Cold Showers

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I Hope You like Cold Showers

There's something biting at my earlobe. 

That's the first thing that runs through my mind when I awake for the second time this morning, with an unintentional chuckle. 

"Wake up, Annie," Luke whispers from behind me. He buries his nose against my neck, nuzzling it. 

I chase away the remaining remnants of my dream and try to force myself awake. My eyes blink open and then flutter closed again. Luke has the curtains open now and bright morning light cuts the room in half; dust mites slowly dancing around. 

I snatch the cover back over my bed and curl up; a little more sleep has never hurt anybody. 

"Oh, no you don't," Luke laughs. Moving down underneath the cover with me, he grasps my hip and pulls me back against his chest. Hands glide up my side, lifting the bottom of my sweater and he flattens it against the skin of stomach. "It's been an hour."

My chest knots, thankful he can't see my reddened cheeks. "Alright, I'm up," I mumble, trying to relax.

"Good," he starts, as his hands continue their sensual torture. "Because it's your turn to make breakfast." 

"I never knew we were taking turns." Turning around so I'm lying on my back, I look up at his boyish grin.

"Well, we are. So, get up." Leaning down, he runs his nose against my cheek and then dramatically hauls back the covers before sitting up and folding his arms behind his head.

I stare up at him, and then roll my eyes playfully before jumping up and heading over to the door, "Whatever you say, your highness."

He laughs and chucks a pillow at me. Laughing, I slip out of his room and peek down the hall towards my mom's room. The door is closed and overall it's pretty quiet, so I relax and start to head downstairs.

Why does this feel like the walk of shame?

"Annie doll?"

Crap. Where the hell did she come from?

Tucking my hair behind my ear, I act calm and turn to face my mother. She tightens the belt on her robe, rubbing her eyes. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I was uh, about to make breakfast for everyone."

"Oh," then she looks at Luke's door and I pray that she didn't see me coming out. "Well alright. I'm heading back to bed, see if Luke will help."

I sigh, relieved. "It's fine, I got it. Go back to bed."

She nods, tired, and turns back down the hall; disappearing into her room. Shaking my head, I head downstairs to cook breakfast. 


"Luke, open the door!" Banging my fist on the bathroom door, I wrap my towel tighter around my chest and let out a huff, "You've been in there for over an hour, it's my turn!"

It's almost one in the afternoon, and after making breakfast and cleaning the whole kitchen by myself, a shower is pretty much needed. Only, the minute I decided I wanted to take one, asshole Luke decides that he wants to take one also.

Groaning at the thought of him purposely taking his sweet time, I bang against the door again. "Come on Luke, this isn't funny! It's my turn!"

"First of all, it's my bathroom!" A laugh sounds from the other side of the door, "Second of all, once again, I didn't know we were taking turns here."

The Stepbrother // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now