Just a Stupid Cd

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Just a Stupid Cd

I'm up early tomorrow before anyone else, and after laying in bed for a whole hour with nothing to do I decide to watch TV in the living room.

It's seriously quiet and I yank on a pair of yoga pants underneath my t-shirt and tiptoe downstairs. I grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator and two Poptarts and then I throw myself down on the couch.

A rerun of Degrassi is playing on Teen Nick, and I make myself comfortable. After about three episodes and a seriously long amount of swooning over how hot and funny Spinner is, someone finally decides to come downstairs.

Sitting up, I quickly ball up my wrapper and stuff it in the side of the couch. If it's my mom, I seriously don't want to hear her shit about not eating in the kitchen or dining room.

"Mom?" I call out.

"Annie doll, is that you?" Someone responds in a girly voice.

Not in the mood for Luke's shit, I roll my eyes and turn back to the TV. He laughs and pokes his head in the living room, "What are you doing up so early?"

I shrug, deciding to turn the question back on him, "What are you doing up so early?"

He stares at me and then looks back towards the stairs, before walking in and taking a seat on the couch besides me. He's fully dressed, wearing a pair of black jeans, a hoodie and sneakers, and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Where are you going?"

Blonde hair is tucked underneath a backwards snapback and I watch as he adjusts it before sighing, "Um, I need to go out for a few hours."

"Where?" I repeat, rolling my eyes.

"None of your business," he glances over at me and then jumps up. "Look, if my dad asks where I am, just say I'm still sleep alright?"

"Um, alright."

Then he nods, and bites his lip. "Seriously, Anastasia."

He turns to leave and I clamber off the couch, hurrying to catch up with him. "Wait, only if you tell me where you're going."


I smirk, "Tit for tat, Lucas."

"First off, my names not Lucas. Just Luke." Grabbing car keys off the small vanity desk, he opens the door and I follow him out onto the porch. "Second, I really can't tell you."

It's a bit cold, and I wrap my arms around myself, "Why? Are you having some kind of love affair with a married woman?"

He gazes impassively at me and after a moment he nods and sarcastically says, "Shit, you've caught me." Blue eyes blink at me and then he smirks, "Are you jealous?"

"You wish," I tuck hair behind my ear, "If you cover for me later on today, I'll cover for you."

"What do you need covering for?"

I shrug, thinking of that Ashton guy from Target and how I would like to hang out with him later. Only, I need someone to get my mom off my case, "I'm going out."

He laughs dryly, "Where?"

"None of your business."

"That's a bit hypocritical don't you think?" Luke mutters, swinging his keys around his long fingers.

"Are you gonna do it or not?" I ask.

He nods, then quirks an eyebrow, "You sure you're not a gang banger?"

I stick my middle finger up at him, and duck out of the chilly morning air and back into the house to finish my Degrassi marathon.
Luke is late.

The Stepbrother // Luke HemmingsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin