"birthday wishes"

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tysm to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! i'm 17 .. as caroline forbes would say is "the filler age" lmao

26| "birthday wishes" part two

"Holy shit, that was insane!" Ashton shouts, as we both stumble off of the wooden platform of the ride and back onto the boardwalk.

His arm is around my shoulder, the other up holding onto his hat and I laugh excitedly. It's late now, and the bright lights of the carnival rides illuminate against his face. He's orange for a second, and then red and blue, and yellow.

Grinning, I nod my head in agreement, and run my hands through my hair before excitedly shouting back, "I know right, talk about a rush!"

Turning around, I tilt my head back and stare up at the extremely tall roller coaster ride. It took Ashton ten minutes of convincing me, and honestly I wasn't so keen on being shot up in the sky and then being dropped down at extremely fast speeds over and over again, but in the end it turned out to be pretty cool.

"Let's do it again!" I laugh, whipping back around to the hazel eyed boy, "C'mon, one more time!"

He shakes his head, dropping his hand from my shoulder, "Nah, I'm good."

"Ashton, don't be a wuss!" I tease.

"Oh, so now I'm the wuss?" He looks down at his stuffed turtle and dramatically shouts, "Do you hear this? I'm the one who had to beg her to get on and now I'm the wuss?"

Punching him lightly in the shoulder, I roll my eyes, "Whatever. I'm thirsty anyway, let's just go get a soda."

"Or, ... we could get a beer."

"Well considering this is a carnival, where do you think the bar would be?" I ask sarcastically, craning my neck to look around, "Between the merry-go-round or the apple bobbing barrels?"

Smiling, he shakes his head and points behind me, "I was actually thinking they'd be by Michael, lets go."

Michael is hanging out next to a tall, blonde haired girl and they're both talking animatedly and eating hot dogs when we approach them. He's sitting on the edge of the picnic table with her leaning inbetween his legs, and with the way he's smiling down at her, his arm around her neck, I can only assume this is his girlfriend.

"Yo, Mike!" Ashton calls.

Michael lazily glances at us, and then smirks, "Well well, we meet again, Annie."

"Hey," I mumble.

Ashton jumps up onto the picnic table, and grabs a small cooler from besides them before popping it open and peering in, "It's Annie's birthday."

Michael looks me up and down and pops the last piece of his hot dog in his mouth. He laughs through a mouthful, "Explains that hideous skirt. How old are you?"

Before I can say anything back, his girlfriend leans up and stares at me for a while before cocking her head, "I've never seen you before. Who are you?"

Her blonde hair is short, like my moms, and she's wearing this bright red lipstick, that makes her pale skin look great. I take a seat on the table, "Annie. Who are you?"

She laughs, "I'm Taylor, do you want a beer?"


Stepping away from Michael, she grabs two from the cooler and twists the tops off before handing one to me. Holding her bottle out, she clinks ours together and smiles, "Happy birthday."

The Stepbrother // Luke HemmingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz