"how it feels"

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feels like I haven't updated in a year . . .

also this ain't edited

33 | "how it feels"

As soon as Luke and I get inside, I kick my shoes off by the door and head into the kitchen to get ice for my shoulder. I don't know what the hell Dr. Kingston was talking about when he said those pills were gonna make the pain go away, but judging by how much my shoulder was still hurting, he was wrong.

So wrong.

Yanking open the freezer door, I hold it in place with my hip and bend my head, before sifting through everything in search of an ice pack.

"Ugh," I groan. Among everything that's fucking in here, there's not one sight of an ice pack and annoyed, I grab an ice tray and head over to the counter. Flipping it over, I bang my fist on the back of the plastic tray in attempt to get the ice cubes to fall.

And they do. But of course, with my luck, all over the floor.

With a whimper of annoyance, I start to kneel down to gather them. Only, something cold nudges me in the elbow, and I pause. Glancing over, I realize that it's a bag of ... frozen peas?

"Here, this works," Luke mutters from behind me. "Well, at least I think so. I seen people do it in like movies and shit."

I turn to stare at him, bemused. Where the hell did he even get th-

"Zac Efron," Luke nods, reading my thoughts, once again. "That movie where he turned back to a kid and almost screwed his own daughter?" Furrowing his eyebrows, he gives me this half smile that says, "unbelievable, right?", and then he shrugs, "Yeah, well he got his balls kicked in and used these."

I stare down at the bag in his hand. I mean, I guess it is sort of like an ice pack. It's cold and flexible. So with a nod, I grab the bag from his grip and climb up onto the bar stool, sighing.

I never thought, I'd say this, but I seriously hate my mother right now. This is mostly, if not all, her fault. She was the one who made me clean that damn closet, which was the reason something fell on me. Then if my shoulder didn't already hurt enough from that, she practically pulled my arm out of its damn socket. Hence,  why I'm sitting here, all caught up in a damn ugly blue sling with a bag of freaking vegetables on my shoulder!

Dropping my head down on the table, I let out an aggravated scream. Then another. And okay, another. Might as well let it all now.

The Stepbrother // Luke HemmingsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat