Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes slowly, I felt horrible. My whole body hurt like hell, I felt sick and dehydrated. I groaned as I tried to move, but my bones weren't healed yet. That was when I realized I was laying straight on my back, my legs and arms were straight as well. I furrowed my eyebrows before sighing and looking up at the ceiling.

The scent of food had my stomach growling, but I refused to eat it. Even though my stomach growled I wasn't anywhere near hungry, I was numb. My first mate didn't want me, my second mate doesn't want me, my family and pack don't want me, no one does. I closed my eyes again, a few tears slipping down my face.

I wonder how long it'll take before I die, surely a werewolf can't survive without food or water and wounds like these. It has already been almost four weeks since I ate my last meal, if you could even consider it a meal. They were just left overs from whatever the pack didn't eat, which wasn't much. My wolf was still healing me, grumbling how we could at least die in peace.

I closed my eyes and willed myself to go to sleep, but I couldn't. My mind was going a mile a minute with what ifs' and how my pack was doing now. They're probably glad that I'm gone so my disgusting face doesn't make them sick to their stomachs anymore. I let out a choked sob, is anyone ever going to love me one day?

When I woke up again my cell door was pulled open and in walked a guard. He didn't say anything as he grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet, it didn't hurt as bad this time but it was still pretty painful.

"Why can't you guys let me lay on the ground?" I snapped.

He raised an eyebrow, "Well, if you're going to fully heal then you should lay on the bed. The ground is filthy anyway."

"Why do you care?"

He sighed, "Listen, she told me to do this, so I did. Also, she said drink this. It'll help quicken the process."

"Who's she?" I asked as I gently grabbed the little bottle.

"Your food will be here in an hour, actually eat it this time." he said, ignoring my question.

I frowned as I looked at the vile, who in the world cares enough to help me? And how am I supposed to drink this if I'm laying flat on my back? I groaned, I'm going to have to do this myself aren't I? I slowly but surely forced myself into a sitting up position. I leaned my back against the wall, panting from the amount of strength it took for me to actually get to this point.

After I could breathe like a normal person I grabbed the vile and stared at it, this better taste good.

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