Chapter 18

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I watched as he paced back and forth, running his hand through his hair multiple times. His green eyes were filled with annoyance as he kept ranting about why this Alpha just has to come here. I shook my head, I knew which Alpha he was referring to. Alpha Phillip, one of the most sadistic Alphas you could possibly find. Not only that, but he's a huge perv and tried getting my father to hand me over to him when I was fifteen. I was shocked when my father refused to hand me over to him, I thought he hated me.

I started to feel a little sorrow, I haven't seen my family for almost a month now and it was slightly depressing. Yet, those memories of all their abuse and all of the pain flooded into my mind and that sorrow quickly vanished. All it left was a bitterness that had my heart darken, my hatred for them rise in my chest.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts at his voice and his touch; I looked up into his eyes and sighed. "I was just thinking of...Alpha Xander."

"Your father." he stated.

I shook my head, "I can't consider that bastard my father."

"Well...maybe you could talk to him?"

I looked at him as if he were crazy, "Talk to him? Who's side are you on?"

"Your's, but he's your father. There could have been multiple reasons for him abusing you, I'm not saying to forgive him. I'm telling you to find out the answers to your questions, I've overheard you talking to yourself a few times in the bathroom." he admitted, chuckling a bit.

I frowned, "Creeper."

"Hey! Werewolf hearing!" he retorted.

I laughed, "I'm kidding, but I...I don't know. I really can't talk to him without remembering everything and snapping."

"That's why I'll be there, he's your father. No matter what, you know he was a good father before your mother left. And I know he loves you or trust me, he would have killed you a long time ago."

"I can't believe you're making me do this." I growled out as I stormed out to the car.

"I just don't want you to lose him and then regret everything you ever said to him or how you thought of him. I struggle with that every single day after losing my parents, it's torture. I can't bare to see you go through that as well."

I sighed, "Fine, but let's hurry. I want to get back before my show gets on."

"What show now?" he started to whine.

"Hawaii-Five 0!"

He suddenly froze as the sound of the car unlocking sounded; I stopped and looked at him. There was a flood of fear in him; his stance, eyes, face, it all showed it. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked between him and the car.

"Hades?" I questioned.

He swallowed, "C-could we run, please?" he whispered.


"I haven't been in a car know...and I'm not planning on going into one ever again." he explained, trembling a little.

I was taken aback, he's afraid of the car? I pursed my lips as he started to have a panic attack, that's when it struck me. He has PTSD from the car accident. I sprinted over to him and started to soothe him, telling him that he's fine.

"We can run there, it's fine. Relax." I murmured, stroking his hair. "You're okay."

After a few minutes he relaxed and took a shaky breath, "I'm sorry." he mumbled.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, you're fine." I assured him before yanking him up.

We walked through the forest for a little bit before taking our clothes off and shifting. We barked happily as we raced each other, zipping through the trees like bullets. I looked behind me to see him gone, a feeling of triumph washed over me as I was only a few strides away from the borders leading into my old territory. I was almost there when he jumped out in front and jumped across the line, skidding to a halt as he waited for me.

I crossed it and scowled at him, "Cheater." I grumbled.

He wagged his tail, "Cry baby."

I narrowed my eyes but couldn't help shaking my head and licking the side of his face. He's so damn lucky I don't fully hate him. Like I expect three patrols hopped out, baring their teeth at us. I immediately recognized two of them and dread filled me.

Dylan and Andrew.

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