Chapter 6

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I woke up to a sharp pain in my abdomen, it felt as if my abdomen was literally on fire. I let out a pained cry as I toppled to the ground, curling up in a ball. Any concerns about my bones flew out the window the moment the fire like pain increased. I started to sweat and pant, tears stinging my eyes as I refused to let them fall. My claws came out as I started to claw at my abdomen, the blood soaking my shirt. It felt as if hours went by until it stopped, leaving me breathless and weak. My vision blurred and that beeping noise sounded, it wasn't long until I completely blacked out.

When I woke up again there was sun shining through the cell window, causing me to wince at the light. I slowly pulled myself up, realizing that my bones didn't hurt. I sighed in relief, at least the vile helped with that. I leaned against the wall, too weak to stand and walk. I closed my eyes and swallowed, feeling sick from just moving a little. What in the world was that?

I snapped my head up as someone unlocked the cell door and a guard stepped in. It was the same guard from yesterday, he gave me a concerned look as he knelt beside me.

"What happened?" he questioned.

I stared at him for a moment, "My abdomen felt as if it was on fire and I guess I clawed it." I sighed, tired.

He furrowed his eyebrows and lifted my shirt, after checking on it he sighed. "I'm going to get you a new shirt, how are your bones?"



Before he could leave I grabbed his wrist, my grip wasn't strong at all, but he stopped anyway. He turned and knelt again, his eyes urging me to say something. "Why are you and whoever gave me that vile, helping me?" I questioned.

He gave me a sad smile, "Because she doesn't want you feeling any pain. Sadly, the pain in your abdomen...she has no choice when it comes to that. She's trying to figure out a way to free you, but right now he's not listening."


"Alpha Hades."

I swallowed, "Oh."

He got up and left, closing the door behind him. I leaned the back of my head against the wall, my hair still soaked from sweat. Whoever this woman is, why is she trying to help me? I don't know anyone outside of my pack and I know for a fact no one inside of my old pack switched to here. I shook my head, this is all too confusing for my exhausted mind. I snapped my head up when the door swung open again, revealing the guard and a girl around my age behind him.

"This is my younger sister, Anna, she's going to help you change your shirt." he explained. "You're far too weak to do it yourself, no offense."

I gave him a thankful smile as he handed the shirt to his sister and left. Anna smiled warmly at me and knelt in front of me. Her eyes held sorrow as she studied me.

"You know, she's trying her hardest right now. You'll hopefully be free soon." she whispered.

"Who is she?"

"I can't tell you."

I was frustrated, but I didn't show it. Instead, I listened to every order Anna gave me as she helped me change my shirt. Once I was changed I slumped onto the bed and laid down, my vision becoming blurry again.

"Rest." she urged as she patted my shoulder and then left.

I closed my eyes, welcoming the darkness.

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