I know

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Guys, I know my story has many holes and in some areas doesn't make sense. But you need to understand that I'm only a teen and I've only been writing for two years. You can't just read a book on here and expect it to be as perfect as published books today. We all struggle and make mistakes.

Authors that are famous today had to start from somewhere. They most likely made mistakes and had to struggle to get to where they are today. Without any struggle there's no challenge. I love to challenge myself.

Sex scenes for example. I feel uncomfortable writing them, yes, I am slightly prude. More like I've never wrote scenes like that. Now, I'm no longer caring lol.

But I'm still in high school, I still have a life outside of here and I still have feelings. I appreciate the constructive criticism but there are comments that aren't constructive but just rude and immature. You can go ahead and post rude comments, they'll just end up deleted, but be considerate of my feelings. I'm not a robot writing a story, I'm a human being. I have emotions just like you. I have self esteem just like you. I am just like you. A breathing, living, human being.

I know the Internet can make you feel powerful, but at the end of the day I'm still writing my book and you're just being a troll. What do you gain from it? Self esteem points that will run out?

Doing good and saying kind things to others is the greatest way to lift your spirits. I was like you, I snapped easily. As you can tell from the past. Wattpad has taught me to grow up and be mature, so now it's your turn.

I will eventually re-do this book and make it less sloppy. But that won't be until summer. I hope you can understand.

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