Chapter Two

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The rest of the night passed by in a blur. I talked to many people that knew my parents, often about possible marriage arrangements. My sister danced with many suitors, all interested in marrying her. But it was mostly for show. My mother and father were already working with King Henry to marry Alice off to Prince William.

I watched William dance with other women, who were all way better dancers than I. He moved gracefully, spinning the women around, catching them, dipping them. Each woman he danced with seemed to be more beautiful than the last, and I found it rather daunting. He'd asked to meet with me, but I couldn't even compare with most of these women.

All of them were more graceful and coordinated than I. Most of them were taller, with more curves, and bigger breasts, pushed up by their unbearably tight bodices.

He danced with women all night, acting pleasant, chatting with them as they danced. I couldn't hear what he said, but often he would make them blush, or laugh.

He even danced with Alice. She was an exceptional dancer, a much more suitable partner for William. Though it made me want to curl into myself and hide at the fact that he danced with me and then her. What he must think of me now.

I took a goblet of wine from one of the proffered trays a steward held and drank greedily, as though I could drown my thoughts.

I did not dance with anyone else that night. I didn't want to embarrass myself any more than I already had. Most men would probably not be quite so kind about my dancing. Men did come up to me and offer a dance, but I would politely refuse, and stay in my little corner in the shadows.

The night went on and I got tired, waiting for it to be over. I felt a tap on my arm. "Erika, are you even listening to me?" Alice demanded, crossing her arms in an impatient manner.

I hadn't even known she was next to me, let alone speaking to me. But she did not wait for my reply, before she continued.

"We're leaving. The carriage is waiting out front." She said, before turning and walking back through the crowd to the doors. I followed after her, down the hallway, down the front steps, and climbed into the carriage.

Mother was already sitting and waiting. As soon as the door to the carriage was shut, she turned to Alice. "Well? How was your dance with the prince?"

"It was nice." Alice said, smiling, her cheeks tinged with pink.

"Surely it was more than just nice." My mother said impatiently.

"We didn't really have much time to get to know each other. It was only one dance," explained Alice, in an attempt to placate Mother.

She nodded slowly. "Well, His Majesty and I were talking about setting up a meeting where you and Prince William will have more time with each other."

Alice wrinkled her nose—something she did when she found something unfavorable. "A meeting? You make it sound like a business affair. Father goes to meetings all the time."

Mother pressed her lips together, but said nothing.

I let out a quiet breath, watching the land slide by in the darkness as the carriage was carried away from the palace and toward our estate.

When we got back to the house, I was tired of my mother and Alice's conversation on marriage arrangements and Prince William. They talked about both subjects so much I almost felt like I was the one marrying him.

I went to my room, kicking off my shoes, and tossing my book onto my bed. Agnes was in my room a moment later, helping me unlace my gown. It was so tight I was surprised she didn't have to cut it off me.

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