Chapter Nineteen

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"Erika," Alice began slowly, her voice wary.

Anger flared up in me. How could she do this to him? We decided to stop seeing each other because they were going to get married. How long had this been going on? What was wrong with both of them? How could Gabriel do this to William?

I turned to the commander, whose face was carefully expressionless. But I noticed that he would not meet my eyes. I did not know what to say to either of them.

"Please, don't tell Prince William." Alice's voice was soft, almost desperate. I didn't think I'd ever heard her sound like that.

I ignored her plea. "How long?" I asked.

"Almost as long as you and William had been seeing each other." Gabriel said.

I looked at Alice. "You've never even tried to get out of the marriage arrangement, Alice." I said accusingly, my eyes narrowed.

She gave me a guilty look, shaking her head. "I know. I don't know how to go up against Mother. I was scared. I couldn't do it."

I felt no sympathy for her. "There is still time, I think."

"You think there is? Because I know there is not. I am to marry Prince William in the next few months. We are announcing it at the ball days from now."

I shook my head, exhaling slowly. "They'll be wondering where you are, Alice" I said, turning to go back to the palace.

"Erika, please. You cannot tell him." Alice begged.

"I can most certainly tell him." I said sharply, disliking the way she said I could not. Though, I think we both knew I wouldn't. "But I do not plan on it. It's not my business." And with that, I marched determinedly back up the path to the palace.

I returned to Queen Alexia's private chambers, and found her and my mother still talking at the oak table. William sat in a chair before the fire, now reading a book. We had not been gone very long, and he was already reading? But I did not really care. I sat in the chair opposite him, and reached for my own book.

"What are you reading?" He asked, looking at my book.

My heart ached a little. He was trying, but I really did not want to talk with him. I shrugged, lowering my eyes to the book and opening it to the bookmarked page.

He sighed loudly and looked back down at his own book.

I did feel bad for ignoring him, but I did not trust myself to speak to him. I felt extremely guilty about what I'd seen in the garden, and, although he deserved to know, I had no right to tell him.

After another several minutes, Alice reentered the room. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were red, and I briefly wondered if she'd been crying. She blinked rapidly for a moment, before flashing a smile and sitting down next to William. William looked up when she spoke to him and smiled, setting down his book.

They continued their conversation, as though she had never left. I groaned inwardly, just wanting to leave.

It was almost dark by the time my mother finished talking with Queen Alexia. She stood and curtsied to the queen, who smiled pleasantly at her.

Shutting my book, I went over and curtsied to the queen, as well. "Thank you for taking time to contribute to my sister and His Highness's wedding, Your Majesty." I murmured, bowing my head.

She smiled warmly at me. "Rise," she said softly. "Of course, Lady Erika. I look forward to seeing you again." I inclined my head slightly, smiling at her.

My sister curtsied too and then we followed Mother out of the room. A guard escorted us to the grand palace doors, where our carriage awaited just beyond them. Walter helped us all inside before shutting the door firmly and driving us back to our home.

"I think that went well," said Mother, a delighted smile upon her lips.

I nodded my head, turning to glance at Alice, who would not meet my eyes. She was staring determinedly out the window, but from the look in her eye, she was not focusing on the landscape.

"Alice," Mother said, rather sharply.

Surprised, Alice jumped and turned to Mother. "Yes, Mother?" She asked.

"Why are you so quiet? Are you not feeling well?" Mother sounded concerned, her mouth tightening slightly.

I turned to look out the window, struggling to suppress my eye roll.

"I feel fine, Mother. Just tired." Alice explained reasonably.

Mother narrowed her eyes slightly, but nodded her head. She turned her accusing gaze on me. "And what did you do this afternoon?" Mother sounded rather suspicious as she asked this question.

"There was not much to do at the palace," I replied, feigning disinterest. "I mostly just read my book."

"You know, there are more productive things you could have been doing, instead of reading, Erika." She replied irritably.

"I'm sure there were, Mother," I answered, too emotionally drained to give in to her provocations.

She pressed her lips together, keeping her eyes on me a moment longer, before she looked away. None of us spoke for the remainder of the ride back to the Lovet estate.

As soon as we reached it, I excused myself and took my dinner to my room, so that I did not have to put up with my family for another moment.

I picked at the food on my tray, but I was not incredibly hungry. I gave my tray to Agnes when she came to my room and she left to take it to the kitchen.

I undressed and slid into a nightgown, the silk whispering against my skin as it slid into place. Agnes brushed out my hair and braided it before bidding me goodnight and excusing herself. Once I was alone, I climbed into bed, pulling the heavy duvet over me, feeling extremely tired. I exhaled slowly, expelling any awful thoughts I had been holding onto that day. And with that, I drifted off to sleep.


Hey guys! Sorry there's not much to this chapter. I was very uninspired and unmotivated while writing this. There was some major writer's block. Thanks for being patient and I hope you liked it!

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P.S. Just a reminder: I know I've published this on the website, but I am still going to edit it just as I go, because I am still working on it. I haven't even finished writing it yet :P

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