Chapter Eighteen

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"Miss Erika, your mother is waiting for you. She said she will not wait much longer," Agnes told me from the doorway, frowning slightly.

I looked at her, pressing my lips together. "I know, Agnes." I replied. I wasn't really trying to make us late, I was just trying to work up the courage to go. We were on our way to the palace to begin preparations for the marriage of Alice and William, and I was expected to help, despite my obvious opposition.

Exhaling slowly, I exited my room and descended the stairs. Mother was waiting impatiently in the foyer, her hands folded in front of her, as she watched me.

"It should not take you so long to get ready, Erika." She said stiffly. "Alice was even finished before you." And with that, she turned and walked out the front door to the awaiting carriage.

As mother had stated, Alice was already waiting for us, seated by the window on the small carriage bench. Since Father had work to do, it was only Mother, Alice, and I. We sat in uncomfortable silence for most of the short journey between the Lovet estate and the palace.

I was relieved when we finally reached the palace and could escape the confines of the small carriage and the awkward silence.

We were greeted at the gates by the guards and my eyes met Commander Gabriel's briefly. I vaguely wondered if he ever took a break from working, as he always seemed to be on duty. But his work habits really were none of my concern.

He inclined his head in a respectful greeting, before waving us through. The walk up the palace steps and to the grand doors felt a lot longer than it was in actuality. Dread roiled in my stomach. I did not want to see him. Ever again. But of course, I would have to see him at some point. He was marrying my sister, I thought bitterly, as the grand doors were opened for us and we stepped inside.

We were escorted by a guard through the palace to Queen Alexia's private chambers, where Mother and she would most likely discuss plans for the wedding.

Mother knocked loudly on the queen's door, which was opened a moment later by one of her ladies-in-waiting. The girl was probably in her early twenties. She had a round, flushed face and bright green eyes, and small pink lips. Her auburn hair reached her waist in waves and although she appeared to be a bigger individual, her dress was cinched so tight that her waist appeared smaller than Alice's and her breasts nearly spilled out of her bodice. I was wondering how she could still breathe in such a gown.

She smiled pleasantly when she saw us and allowed us entrance.

The room was large, with a grand stone fireplace and several armchairs around it, where Queen Alexia sat, surrounded by her ladies-in-waiting. Tapestries lined the walls, as they seemed to be everywhere in the palace, and a large conference table sat in the middle of the room.

Mother, Alice, and I curtsied to the queen, until she told us to rise. She smiled warmly and waved us to the chairs beside her, dismissing her ladies-in-waiting, who left the room without another word. "I apologize for my son. He should be here by now." She said, glancing at the door.

As if on cue, William pushed open the door, striding into the room. My heart twisted at the sight of him and I looked away. He bowed low to his mother. "My sincerest apologies for being late, Your Majesty." He said, although he did not sound as sincere as he claimed.

She nodded her head and William sat down next to Alice, who was beaming at him. "Shall we begin?" Queen Alexia asked my mother, who nodded her head.

They moved over to the conference table and began talking softly. Looking over at Alice and William, I found them with their heads bent together, also talking in soft voices, clearly not wanting to be interrupted.

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