Chapter Fourteen

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"Good morning, Miss—" Agnes paused, gasping. "What happened to you?"

I rubbed my eyes, yawning, and looked down at myself. I hadn't even bothered getting out of my dress last night and I was still a mess. Panic flared inside me and I looked up at Agnes. "Please don't tell Mother." I said quickly.

She pressed her mouth into a thin line and nodded resolutely. "Of course, Miss." She curtsied quickly and set down a tray of food on my bedside table.

Agnes left the room, keeping the door ajar, and was back a moment later, followed by servants carrying a washtub. After they finished filling the tub with water, I undressed and climbed into the bath.

Some of the servants stayed and scrubbed me until my skin was raw, and there was no speck of dirt in sight. After my bath, I dried off and dressed in an elegant forest green gown edged with gold.

After Agnes brushed my hair, she turned to leave.

"Thank you, Agnes." I said to her.

She nodded, offering me a sympathetic look. Something fell out of her sleeve, landing on the floor with a clink as she walked toward the door.

I reached for the item on the ground. It was a key. "Agnes, you dropped—"

But she only glanced at me, a sly smile on her face, before she stepped out of my room and shut the door.

I smiled to myself, picking up the small, metal object. I looked around my room for a place to hide it, where Mother would never look. I decided in my pillowcase. She does not do laundry. She would have no reason to look in my pillowcase.

Today was my day off from lessons, so I picked out a book and read most of the day. The only people that came to my room was an occasional maid or Agnes. Mother did not visit, Alice did not visit, and Father did not visit. I missed talking with them a little. Although, we never had pleasant conversations, it was nice having someone to talk to.

But I was alone in my room all day, reading a book that I did not really feel like reading. Agnes came in with my dinner at one point, which I ate while I read, since I did not have anything else to do.

My dishes were taken away and my door was locked and I was alone. I had not realized how late it had gotten, when I heard a knock at my balcony door.

I glanced up in surprise, finding William standing out there. My heart lifted when I saw him and I went over and opened the door. A rush of cold air hit me as soon as I opened it.

"It is cold out." William said by way of greeting.

I stepped aside and let him enter my room, shutting the door after him.

He pulled me against him, pressing his lips to mine. This chill of the night air clung to his clothes and his cheeks were red. "I've missed you." He whispered against my lips.

I closed my eyes, melting into his arms. "I've missed you too." I said softly.

He smiled and pulled away slightly to look at me, his sapphire eyes bright in the dim light of my bedroom. He took my hand and led me over to the fireplace and sat down on the ground before it.

I sat with him and he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me tightly against him. We stayed like that for a while, talking quietly. It got late, but it felt like only minutes had passed, before he had to leave.

He stood and pulled me up. "I have to go." He sighed.

I nodded. "Tomorrow, then?"

He smiled. "I'll be back tomorrow." He kissed me once and then disappeared over the railing of the balcony.

The next week dragged by incredibly slowly. The only good thing about the week was that I got to William every night. He would climb up onto my balcony and we would talk, or read, or just sit with each other.

I had been stuck in my room all week, without reprieve. Mother came in occasionally to check on me, probably to make sure I had not gotten out or anything, which I had not. Being in my room without anything to do, besides go through books I'd already read and pay attention to my lessons, I was extremely bored.

I still had the key that Agnes had given me, but I had not used it yet. So, I decided I would go visit William at the palace tonight. I smiled as I sat before the fire. It had gotten considerably colder during the week. Winter was not far off.

The sun was making its descent in the sky, sliding down toward the mountains, when there was a knock at my door.

I didn't speak, but the person did not wait for seem to be waiting for an answer, before unlocking the door and coming into my room. It was my mother.

"Erika," she said by way of greeting.

"Good evening, Mother." I replied, standing from my seat by the fire.

She nodded her head and sat in the chair next to the one I had previously occupied. She motioned to the chair. "Sit."

I blinked at her uncertainly and lowered myself back into the chair.

She folded her hands in her lap, her eyes on me. "The marriage arrangements have been made." She said.

I felt as if I had not heard her correctly. My heart pounded too loudly in my chest, and I was confused, even though I'd heard what she'd said. I'd known this would come eventually, but it had felt like it never would. "Excuse me?"

"The wedding will happen this spring. We will be helping with the preparations. And, Erika, I want you to act like you are happy for them. You are not going to sulk, or pout, or get upset, because this was inevitable. We all knew this was going to happen." She said, a mocking smile upon her lips.

My hands were shaking and I pushed them into the folds of my gown to steady them. I pressed my lips together and nodded. "Of course, Mother. I am very happy for them." The lie tasted bitter on my tongue.

She nodded curtly. "Good. There will be a ball to celebrate their engagement, but that is not for weeks, yet. Until then, I will not have you talking with the prince, or being near him, even. I do not want you to be tempted, dear." This is for your own good, were the words she didn't say. Still, they hung in the air between us.

"Yes, Mother." I said stiffly.

She stood from her seat and walked toward the door. "You are allowed out of you room now. But if I find out you are continuing to meet him . . ." she trailed off and then shut the door. I was, once again, alone.

I sat in the chair, staring into the flames. I did not cry, or get upset. This had been coming, I'd known that. But it hurt to think about it. It felt as though there was an iron band wrapped around my heart, squeezing it, weighing it down.

I closed my eyes, exhaling slowly. I did not really know what to do now. I would still go visit him . . . even if this was the last time. Surely he had some say in who he would be marrying. Maybe he would refuse to marry Alice.

Maybe . . . but I did not get my hopes up.


This was the end of chapter fourteen. I hope you like the story! Sorry, it may take me a little longer to post chapters than before. School has started for the year and I will not be posting chapters as frequently as before. I will try to post still a few times a week though. Thanks!

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P.S. Just a reminder: I know I've published this on the website, but I am still going to edit it just as I go, because I am still working on it. I haven't even finished writing it yet :P

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