Chapter 27 - My Grim

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Aria apologized for abundant times because she couldn't be with me. But, I needed some time for myself, and Brandon needed Aria as much as me. He had lost his childhood friend. After Aria went, I spent the rest of my day holding a book. I was unaware what book it was, what genre, nothing. The open book and the ant like letters stared my blurry eyes.

Later that evening, dad informed me about Mark's funeral which was the next day. He also insisted that I should eat something. I nodded and sulked back in my bed. The thoughts that haunted my mind made it impossible to calm down and relax. Food was the last thing in my head.

Without eating dinner, I brushed my teeth and took a hot shower. Emotionally tired, I changed into new PJs and got into my bed. Tomorrow was Mark's funeral. The person I once loved, the person I still love. And here I thought my life was going to get better. It threw one curve ball after other instead. Wiping more tears, I tucked myself in my warm blanket and switched off the lights. Silence. Darkness. loneliness.

The curtains near my room window were blowing due to sharp cool breeze. The city lights reflected in my room highlighting every edges of the furniture. My deep breaths played into the silent room, my eyes were heavy and itchy. They had fagged out.

My eyes drooped and I was about to doze off when something moved swiftly near the window. A dusty shadow. The gray shadow grew wider and taller blocking me to see the windows. My eyes locked with the shiny non-solid eyes on its face. It took the form of a hooded figure with floor length dark cape. I yelled at the mystery creature and jumped out of my bed. I fell down on my knees as my legs tangled with the blankets. I turned my neck back towards the grim like creature. Was he death?

I crawled forward on my limbs and sprinted towards the door. Fumbling with lock, I banged the door and shouted, "Dad! Dad!" I ran out of my room after opening the door into the dark hallway without looking back. When I reached in the living room I saw the TV light casting on my dad sitting on the couch. He was in his shorts lying there, his arms tucked under his hand. Taking a deep breath of relief, I ran around the couch and sat before him,

"Dad.. Dad there someone in my room.. it's after me.. it's.. he's here to kill me-"

Dad sat up and placed the TV remote beside him. My own shadow reflected on dad making it hard to look at his face.

"My Claire.." Stunned. My hearts beat pounded in my head. My vision went blank, and throat dry and tight. I jumped back and clutched my top in my tight fists. This was the end, my end I realized as the sharp robotic voice spoke out of my dad's mouth.

The TV light now enlightened his face which turned into something strange. His eyes were red shot, blood streaming down his nose. His hands had stiffened and his erect body posture looked as if he was about to break into two. Although being in a lot of pain, he had a huge grin on his lips. He possessed my dad.

"My darling.. the wait is over." He let out a belly laugh and stood up to come near me.

"Please NO!!" I cried out, "Not my dad-- No.."

"I can't see you cry, it breaks my heart." He stood before me, his red eyes looking at his prey.

"What do you want? I'll give you anything!" I begged with my palms against each other, "Please don't hurt my dad."

He laughed and turned his back to me, "Easier than I thought. Hmm."

My weeping was the only sound in the silence for a few moments and then he turned towards me. His face had deprived of all emotions, all good emotions. I saw devil in my dad. An evil creature from hell. A creature with anger, hatred and revenge.

"Come back to me, to Havendell and your dad will be saved. If you don't, get ready for your worst nightmares." He said with a smirk. And then he fell down like a lifeless body, my dad. His head hit the table and blood poured out of his forehead. I fell down to my knees near him and shook him.

"Dad?" I nudged him and lowered my head to his chest. Nothing. No sound. No heartbeats. "Dad!!" His body had turned ice cold.

He opened his blood shot eyes and laughed, "Faster, darling. I'm impatient!"

I yelped and stumbled backwards. I pressed my palms to my hand and stopped myself from screaming or shouting. My dad was dying. I cried more and rushed out of the living room. I went to my room and switched on the lights. After grabbing my purse and cell phone, I rushed back to the living room where my dad was laying unconscious. I bent down and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry dad, I love you." I cried more. After picking his car keys from the bowl, I rushed out of my house. I turned back and looked at it for one last time. On my way down the stairs, I called 911 and informed about my dad.

My teary eyes made it impossible to see but I found dad's car and drove it out into the streets. And before I could even understand what was happening, I headed to where it all started. I was going back to Havendell. I was going back to hell.

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