Chapter 36 - More lies

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Grace walked me out of the house with utter silence while my brain rammed with thoughts. As I passed the gate, Will eyes met mine. He smiled, a genuine innocent smile. I pursed my lips and sauntered to the car.

The sunlight sparkled on my skin giving me warm tingling. I stopped my feet and turned my neck at my own shadow. My eyes got wide with astonishment. A figure of man's shadow darkened near mine as if a person stood just behind me, towering me.

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I clasped and unclasped my fists. Ander was there during the whole conversation with Theodora. But, my mind played what Theodora said. He is not evil. He doesn't want to kill me. Yet, he is helpless due to the curse. A curse of a witch who didn't deserve Ander's love. My heart ached thinking about Ander's situation. I had warm feeling towards him. Like I cared for him.

That's what being attached to my soul could mean? I got connected to him on an emotional or spiritual level? That's dumb. He would kill me regardless.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" Will called out. I raised my chin to look at his confused expression. I sighed and strolled towards the car.

Satisfied with all the answers I got, I wondered how Theodora knows this all. How she or Mr. Monroe got the restaurant. When I sat on the driver's seat and slammed the door, I saw Theodora peeking out of her window, watching us.

Will gazed her great grandmother's face for a moment and looked back at me. "You got all answers?"

I nodded. "But, I still have one question." I stated.

He shook his head and chuckled, "As I assumed! Shoot."

"Didn't your great grandmother attend Kathy's funeral?"

"She came." Will shrugged and said. She had met the family a year ago. Theodora lied. But why?

Driving back to my house, I thought about the next thing to be done. Exorcism. Now, I knew almost everything I wanted to know, and Ander Booth is latched to my soul, it was time to end this all.

Will had mentioned before he researched about the house before my family came to stay there. Did he wanted to perform exorcism? There has to be a reason he is so concerned about the house and determined to make it ghost-free. Revenge. That's all I can think of. He wants the revenge of Kathy's death. And Kathy's and Kasie's babysitter - Emily.

"Will?" I kept my eyes glued to the road.


"Have you.." I shouldn't try to poke my nose in his personal matter, I know but I have to. "I mean, did you liked Emily?"

Silence. He didn't answer. I knew he'd freaked out asking him silly questions. He might like him as a friend or he might not even care. He was a young, attractive high school guy and he might have another girlfriend at school. Although, I never saw his friends over- I was thinking too much. I shouldn't have asked him this. Ugh.

"I do." He mumbled. "I did."

I took a glance at him. He liked Emily. And he is being honest with me. Were they in a relationship? I didn't dared to ask him more. I shouldn't push.

When we reached our houses, Will got out and slammed the door. He didn't even looked back. He went away without a word. After few minutes, I went inside the house.

"Claire, where were you?" my mom welcomed me with a concerned look on her face.

"I went to meet-" I began but she pulled me with both hands towards her room. Jake was sitting on the couch, giving me intense glare. That ran chills down my spine. That wasn't the usual concerned-angry look Jake always gave.

Mom shut the door behind us and she led me to her bed. "I'm so sorry Claire." She began.

"Mom, what happened-"

"You were right. About the house, about the accident. Everything. What happened to Rick's dad, your dad. That was an unfortunate thing."

She believes now? "I know, mom. But we couldn't leave now. There's a demonic spirit in this house."

"Oh Claire! This is the same thing that killed your aunt. It harmed your dad. I won't let it harm you. I won't."

"But how do you know about it?" I patted her hands as she broke down.

"Your dad is recovering. I received your pa's call this morning. He explained me about the attack."

Should I dance with happiness? My family finally believed about the house, I got the answers I needed, dad was recovering and now I know how to set the spirits free. It all seemed like a miracle. All the dark clouds vanishing away, clearing the sky, like summer. Everything will be fine.

"Mom, we have to perform an exorcism in the house. It is the only way- to end all this haunting." I spoke fast with excitement.

"We're not Christian. Priests won't perform exorcism."

"What about the ghost hunters? They're trained to perform rituals in haunted places."

"Whatever it is, we will find out." She patted my cheek as I took a deep breath of satisfaction. "Maybe, Holly would know. I had seen Rebecca's dead body, I don't want to see yours. We'll do everything we can. I love you, Claire. I really care for you. But Rebecca's death had a huge impact on my life. I lost my career, my family, my love. I can't lose my children."

I was happy. So happy, that I cried. I laughed as I wiped tears from my cheeks and hugged mom. "I know, mom. I love you too."

I walked out of the room with huge grin on my face. There is nothing who'd be able to stop me now, nothing. I got my family with me. Jake? He'll understand too. I just have to give them some time. As I enter my room and plunked on my bed, I still couldn't believe it. I was sad that two people died because of me. But, I was sure I won't let Ander Booth or his curse take anymore people's life. Especially not my family's or Will's.

The day passed. The backyard was cleared that evening. There were no more cops questioning or searching in or around our house. With no marks of injury on Eric's body, they assumed it was a suicide.

Only few of us knew what happened. It wasn't a suicide but a murder. And the murderer was Ander Booth.

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