Chapter 33 - Latched

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Next day, I spent the morning, roaming around the main city and window shopping. It helped me take my mind off the chaos. But back in my room, as the sun went down the horizon, like the sky- my head clouded with dark thoughts of fear and confusion. Reading an e-book on my phone didn't help me.

If the Ander Booth was a big deal back then, in 1930s, there would be some information about his death or disappearance or whatever happened to him in newspapers. Damn, why didn't I think of this before? I added 'visiting library' to my TO DO list.

That's when I yelped as someone's heels rapped on the wooden staircase because of the fact that there was no one in the house except me. Jake was out at Rick's, down the lake to help him with his car, and mom was on her job. Someone else was outside. I set my phone down and got out of my bed. Please let this be a figment of my imagination. I stopped and waited for more sounds. Laughter. A man's laughter rang outside my room. It wasn't Jake's.

My heartbeats raced against my ribs, and my hands shivered as I did the foolish act of opening the door. I turned the knob knowing that a man, probably a supernatural entity, was outside my bedroom.

Before I could open the door, the lights went out. Darkness surrounded me as I heard a door slamming in distant. Instead of opening the door, I rushed towards the direction of my bed. I rammed its surface in darkness to find my phone. I dialed Jake's number and made my way towards the window and looked out. The Monroe's house was lit up with lights.

Jake picked on the third ring. "Claire, you OK?" he asked.

"Yeah." My voice came out rushed and panicked. "The power went out. There might be some problem in our fuse box. Can you come over?"

"Um.. wait, I can send Rick over. He'll look what's wrong-"

"No, I can't" I heard Rick's voice in the background, "Dad can go.." Of course he won't come after how I treated him.

"Fine." Jake told me, "Well, Rick's dad, Eric can come over. Just go down. He'll be there soon."

"Okay." He ended the call and I panicked.

I was safe in my cocoon but now I have to go down, in darkness, alone. I used my phone's flashlight to find my way to the door. Turning the knob, I opened the door. A wave of coldness hit me as if I've opened a refrigerator door. I walked out while my eyes tried to create human figures in darkness. My fear was empowering. I feared that someone will jump out in front of me and kill me.

My short breaths echoed around as I faltered down the stairs. It's okay. I'm okay. It's just the darkness. I tried to convince myself. I'm alone. I wish I was when I felt someone's warm breaths on the nape of my neck. Someone was behind me. So close, looking down to me. My skin tingled with fright. I still kept walking down towards the front door.

A whisper. A mere whisper of my name ignited fire of fear in my body. I knew this voice. I was familiar as if I've heard this abundant times. A voice which woke me from my sleep. A voice which weakened my limbs. His voice. Ander Booth's voice. He was here. Behind me.

Hesitating, I turned my neck and shoulder around when I heard a knock and man's voice, "Claire?"

I rushed own the door and opened it. A man in his early 50s stood there. A clear resemblance of Rick told me it was his dad, Eric.

"You OK?" he asked with concern. I nodded as many times I could. I had to stop myself from hugging him. A sense of relief washed over me. I was safe. For now. I was inches away from my death but I escaped it. I sat on the steps, placing my hand on my heart.

"Oh no!" Eric whispered. He looked into the house, behind me. My heart pounded in my chest again. Not willing to look into the direction his eyes were fixed, I asked him.

"What is it?" He removed his crucifix from his shirt and kissed it. This was not a good sign.

"I command you to leave her, leave this house." he shouted. My eyes went wide in horror. He was shouting to someone behind me.

I heard a laugh in response. A laugh that gave me goosebumps all over my body. My tongue stuck in my throat. The laugh fainted as if its owner went away.

Eric sighed and sat down beside me. He placed a hand on my head as if trying to bring me back to my senses.

"You know.." I nodded as tears rolled down my cheek. I let out a sob. "He is latched to your soul, dear. You can't run away from him. The harm is done."

Latched to my soul? Has he possessed me? Is this what Will meant? The words, the questions, the anger, the fear- all gathered into my mouth but I couldn't speak. I sobbed more.

"There is an only way." I looked up at him. "Exorcism. I know a priest who can do it. Since how long do you know about this?"

"Since May. Will told me."

"Will, who?" his eyes were alarmed when he asked.

"Will Monroe; he lives next door." I wiped my eyes and pointed towards Will's house.

Eric stood up and said, "I need to find the fuse box." What happened to him? We were having some important discussion and now he was waving it off? But he talked in a monotone voice like a robot. Like someone controlled him and.. Oh no!

Before I could stop him, he moved past me into the dark house and walked towards the kitchen. I stood up and ran after him. "Hey, are you OK?"

"I'm fine." He was not.

He opened the back door and slammed after he went on the other side. I rushed to the door and tried to open it. The door was jammed. I shook and pull the knob but I couldn't open it. I rushed back to the living room when the power came back. The lights illuminated the walls but I was sure I had turned them off before.

The back door opened with a click and I gazed it, waiting for Eric to enter. He didn't. I walked towards my backyard door and peeked out. He wasn't there. A couple stood on the shore arguing over something. I shut the door and went back inside my house.

How did Eric knew about the demonic possession in the house? Exorcism was possible. There was hope in his eyes and he was ready to help without even knowing me. He understood. Like Will said, exorcism is the only way. Yet, I need to find out about the house and the demon.

I went upstairs after turning off the lights and called Jake again and told him to say my thanks to Eric. Jake said he will when Eric returns. I felt asleep with my cellphone still in my hands.

It rang around 4 in the morning. Jake was calling me. I brushed my eyes and picked up.

"Do you know it's 4 in th-"I began but Jake interrupted.

"Claire, where did Rick's dad went after he left our house?"

"Why? I don't know-" my voice was scratchy as I was half asleep.

"They found his body from the lake down our backyard."

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