Chapter 38 - Nightmare Come True

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A book lay open in my lap. As much as I was enjoying reading it, I had my mind on other things as well. I wanted to call Aria and explain her everything. Explain my dilemma. Also, I wanted to call Pa and ask him about dad. Mom said he was recovering, he said he'll be alright. I slam the book close and kept it aside. I just want this to end.

When I opened the night stand to place the book, I found Theodora's amulet. The one with Egyptian eye. I hold it with my fingers and examined it. What if this actually protected me from evil spirits? I knew I couldn't get rid of Ander but what if it keeps me away from danger. I tuck it in my pockets, just in case, temporarily. I know I had to find a permanent solution as well.

I have to get hold of that priest, Eric told me about but before that I will have to explain Rick what happened. He will listen, he have to listen. I exit my room and went downstairs. I was hungry.

It was dark although Jake was home, I looked at the TV which was turned off. The kitchens lights were too. His room was dark and locked. Maybe he might have gone down to lake or to Rick's house. I walked to the kitchen area cautiously when the hairs on my arms and neck stood erected. My stomach dropped with the feeling of someone watching me.

My heart pounded as I quickened my pace and went near the refrigerator. I opened it and took out a water bottle. After gulping half of it, I placed it back in its place. I turned my neck to check my surroundings with the refrigerator light. I found no one.

But my someone's shadow had darkened right next to mine. Every time I watched this image, it terrified me. No matter how much sad I feel about Ander, the paranormal happenings scare me to death. He was a demon after all. Nothing would change it.

"You're going to end with same destiny as ours." a lady like voice shrieked in the silence. I let out a scream. A blurry white shadow stood near the back door gouping towards me. I slam the refrigerator door and ran towards the living room. I should be walking right out of the front door, I know. But I wasn't in my senses, OK?

It was pitch black in living room as we didn't had any window there. I went in the direction of two couches in the middle of living room, my heart drumming like a rock concert. I switched on the light, almost knocking myself with a couch on the way.

I turned around to find the shadow, only finding no one. No one except Jake, who was sitting on the couch, glaring with the same expression he was glaring at me this morning.

"Jake, did you see that?" I said in a rushy tone and pointed towards the kitchen behind him. I placed my hand on my fast beating heart and took a few deep breaths.

Jake stood up and took few steps forwards. "I thought..I thought you were out." I was out of breath when I rested my hip against the TV stand.

What took me by surprise was, Jake now rushed towards me, I stood erected. He had his both hands extended as if he's trying to catch me.

"Jak-" his fingers caught my throat. He was trying to choke me. He was trying to choke me to death. My fingers found his as I tried to unlatch them from my neck. I couldn't say anything. My wind was suffocating. I kicked his knees and knock him off. Sorry brother. He freed his fingers, allowing me to rush away from him. And I did the same.

I rushed to the staircase. Holding the handrail with one hand, I shouted, "Are you out of your mind!"

His feet were glued near the TV stand, as his eyes found me. They were red and teary with anger. And it made me realize, he wasn't Jake. No, he was Jake but not in control. Should I run back to my room or run out of my house? Even if I ran out of my house, it would be deserted. It was almost midnight.

Too late. Jake was already on his way as I ran upstairs. My face was fixed to his as my feet clanked with the stairs. I tripped. My chin hit an edge. Cold hands tightened against my ankles. Tried crawling upstairs, but in vain. He was dragging me down, my head hitting the stairs each time.

"I won't let the curse break.." Jake said in a groggy girlish tone. "Nor will I let you free him. He's mine you understand? Ander is mine."

As he said that, my head the ground. I tasted my salty tears and blood in my mouth as I whined. My whole body had lit up with ache. Every part of me burned- my back, my elbows, my head, mostly my head. But I didn't pass out. I was conscious, experiencing death like pain.

"Jake.." My voice barely left my mouth. But she listened. Gabriela, Ander's fiance, who possessed my brother, listened. She was the one who gave me the bruise on my wrist that night.

"I will destroy you! Ander can't love you, he can't. I won't let him." Jake's body stood over me, his fingers still tight around my ankles. Was Gabriela feared that Ander was actually falling in love with me? Her voice raked with fear. She was insecure like those jealous high school girlfriends.

"I'll kill you before he does. I won't let the curse break." I was quivering in pain. The amulet! I withdraw my hand and extended it towards my shorts pocket. Please work.. Please work... I removed it from my pocket and extended it towards Jake.

My legs slammed against the floor as soon as Jake's eye found the neck-piece. He screamed in a way it could deafen someone. Jake had his hands clammed against his eyes and I took the opportunity to stand up.

I ran as fast as my weak knees allowed.


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We're nearing the end. Only few more chapters to go. Stay tuned.

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