2. The Arrogant Adonis Hoot

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Sometimes mere choices can rule your life and change the entirety of what future lies before you.

Choice number one : I forgot to set my alarm clock on Thursday night.

Choice number two : I downed a whole bottle of mineral water than followed up with two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice courtesy of Nancy.

Choice number three : I wore nine inch stilettos that I had no hope of running in.

Choice number four : I slept really late last night from the excitement of today and currently resembled a raccoon.

What you may ask was the result of this choices?

I got up late, got ready late and my flight to NYC was leaving in T-Minus two hours. And living fourty five minutes from LAX didn't help at all.

I reached the airport thirty minutes before my flight took off and dawdled towards the waiting area. My shoes were not made for running you see.

Given my fatigue ridden body, I headed for the first cafe I saw and bought an expresso, just as they announced my flight was boarding.

Ten minutes later, sitting in the economy class, I felt the effects of drinking water, orange juice and coffee all in the span of one and half hours.

Just as I was about to head for the toilet, the captain announced that we were about to take off.

Thank you!

And as my luck may have it, when were at cruising altitude, the toilet was occupied.

A little word of advice people. Never even think of drinking any form of liquid unless you know your bladder can handle it. Never.

And as my lack of luck may have it, my bladder can not handle it.

With some endurance on my part, I pushed the button that alerted the flight attendants to my need.

A redhead finally came after two mins and four seconds of torture.

" Do you need help, miss?" She asked with a smile.

I nodded. Duh! I pressed the button! "I need to use the toilet, you see," I whispered softly, hoping no one heard me.

"The toilet's back there miss. Do you need me to direct you to it?" She looked slightly annoyed.

"It's currently full right now," I stated the obvious.

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait your turn then miss."

"No. I can't hold it anymore!" I snapped. "I've been holding it for the past fifteen minutes and once the flipping thing frees up, another person is in there!"

"That's unfortunate miss. But there is the one toilet," she smiled again, this time it looked snarky.

"I know there is the one toilet and it seems like the person in there isn't going to be done anytime soon. But I can't hold it anymore! Do you understand?"

Burned (Hate at First Flight #2) ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu