45. Falling for the Son of a Diner Owner's Daughter

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+ Bonus Chapter (Dylan's POV)




Thank you for getting Burned to #99 on Teen Fiction :)

Moths are drawn to a flame.

Despite knowing that they might most probably die, they continue on, just for that last time in the light.

That was just like me as I got off a taxi in front of the Burns mansion.

Despite sensing something off about the atmosphere surrounding the house, I continued on like a moth drawn to flame.

Despite somewhat noticing that only two cars were parked in the driveway, I continued on like a moth drawn to flame. And I continued on like a moth drawn to flame, despite the fact that none of those two cars belonged to Sebastian Burns.

I had already ascertained by the time that I got to the front of the house that this was another ploy by Will.

I wasn't really meeting Mr Burns. Which left the question, who was I really here to meet, and why was I still here?

The door was opened before I could even have a chance to compose myself and take a deep breath before whatever it was Will had plotted came into effect.

I smiled at Quincy, who stood by the door, wearing his usual attire of a black suit. He had a polite smile on his weary face. For the past two weeks, we had somehow gotten to a good place, considering he had snapped at me that day on the phone.

"Will told me to-"

"I am aware as to why you're here, Ms Sanders," Quincy interrupted before I had a chance to fully explain myself. His smile became more genuine as if he was trying to keep himself in check. "Mr Burns is waiting for you in the kitchen." He made a grand gesture of a bow before he stepped to the side to allow me entry.

"Thank you," I managed to mutter out as I entered the mansion. I thought over his above normal gestures for a moment before I wondered if I had just been paranoid. Maybe I was really meeting Mr Burns after all.

But then again Quincy did address them both as Mr Burns, until of course he said the older Mr Burns or the younger Mr Burns. But in this instance he hadn't said either which made things somewhat harder.

Before I could ask Quincy which Mr Burns I was meeting, he'd closed the door behind me and had disappeared. I had been too lost in deciphering which Mr Burns it was that I hadn't noticed Quincy walk out on me.

I decided to just face whatever it was that awaited me, just as Alex had told me.

No more running way from whatever it may be, unless of course there was a fully grown bear waiting for me in that kitchen.

In that case, I would be running for the proverbial hill as fast as anyone could with a bear after them.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, I decided that a bear was better than what met me.

There was no Will, no Georgia, no Alex or anyone I'd rather meet there. I was alone.

Except for him.

It was Douglas, finely slicing some onions as the smell of steak wafted from the pan that was sizzling on the stove and hit me.

I didn't know how to do this. If anything, for the past two weeks, we hadn't really had a conversation like we'd been doing prior to Nancy's incident.

Burned (Hate at First Flight #2) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon