18. Eavesdroppers and Suspicions

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The fracture I'd gotten on my leg from a fall from the old sycamore tree behind our house when I was eight wasn't as painful as what I was now experiencing. My head felt like it was damn close to exploding and my entire body felt like it had a Boeing 747 resting on top of it. And to make matters worse I had fainted.

And no, I was not currently experiencing those out of body moments where you watched your body drift into a coma. I was now fully conscious, yet I maintained the ruse that I had fainted.

After all, who fainted from a fall? Only the fainthearted. Hahahaha, see what I did there? I was hilarious even when I was faking unconsciousness. I finally succeeded in the art of multi-tasking.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Douglas asked as I felt him sit down on the chair next to the bed I was currently lying on.

I held back from scoffing, reminding myself I was trying to 'play dead'. Instead I remained still because for one, it hurt like hell to move around in my state, and two, people tended to spill more when they thought they were free from prying ears.

So far I'd learnt that Douglas had been the one to find me. He had searched for me once he noticed I had lost him and had found me, on the ground unconscious and Jackstone had gone missing. Twenty minutes after he found me, Will arrived. An argument ensued between them, which soon ended thankfully. I had almost given up my ruse and told Douglas off for his behavior that had led to this incident.

The club doctor who specialized in the biology of animals and not humans as he was vet examined me. He had said that I didn't appear to have any bone fractures anywhere, or broken bones of any sort, I simply suffered from some minor cuts and bruising on my back and arms from trying to hold my weight when I fell down on my back.

I would have argued against that diagnosis if I had regained consciousness at that time, claiming that the pain I was in was more than a small bruising or cut. But I had missed him. I had only learnt of my state when Douglas told Will.

"Relax bro. She's going to be alright. That doctor said so, didn't he?" Will reassured him as I heard him pace the room. I didn't know whether he was trying to reassure Douglas or convince himself of that statement as his anxious steps took up most of the silence.

"And he also said she should have regained consciousness by now, and yet she's still unconscious."

"He's a vet, Doug. What do you expect? You should've called someone with human experience instead."

"I know. I know," Douglas for the first time since I met him sounded defeated. "I shouldn't have lost it. I shouldn't have left her behind. I just, I just... you know how I always lose it when someone asks about her, Will. I can't help but shut down."

"She asked about her?"

Douglas sighed. "Yes. She wanted to know how she died. I could've told her to butt out and leave it at that. I shouldn't have left her, like he left her."

"It's okay, Doug. Calm down. Everything's going to be alright. Krys is going to get her perfect little ass off that bed sooner or later and you two can both go back to hating each other's guts, okay?"

I stifled a giggle that was about to escape and hoped neither of them had noticed my slipup.

"Why don't you go get something to drink, buddy?" Will offered. "I'll stay with her and let you know once she gets up."

Burned (Hate at First Flight #2) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora