Chapter 24: I Can't...

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A/N Short Chapter but I wanted to get an update in as soon as I could. The Healer's Mate is now at #531 in Werewolf. Thank You to everyone who has been supporting me and I hope we make it to the TOP!


Chapter 24: I Can't...

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My neck was wrapped in a thick gauze and when I tried to get up a sharp pain went through my neck.

"Honey, stay still. You're injured." Kate stood beside my bed and gently helped me back into place. I saw an IV needle sticking out of my arm and I saw a bag of blood hung up. I looked around and I saw that I was in my room but the pack house was awfully quiet. I remembered clearly what happened before I blacked out but how I got here and what happened after was a complete blur.

"What happened? Where is everyone?" I asked laying back down.

Kate fidgeted in her seat and when she looked up at me I saw worry along with sadness. "Kegan was banished from the pack. It is tradition that the one who loses in an Alpha fight leave the pack. After you collapsed Jayden ran to you and carried you inside where the Iris helped take care of you. Alpha Neal has set your inauguration for this afternoon. You are our next Alpha and since you have proven yourself strong enough for the title your father has decided to name you next in line."

I watched her in shock and her sad look made sense. Even though Kegan was messed up in the head he was still her son and my brother. He would be sent out to look for a pack that would accept him or he would have to live the life of a rogue.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked but actually there was only one person I wanted to know about.

"Alpha Neal and the twins are in the yard. We sent the pack back last night. Your healing is much faster now with the Alpha gene. Your neck is just sore but the wound is healed. I left the bandage on your neck just in case." I nodded while she spoke but I wasn't listening to her words.

Where was he? Why isn't he here with me?

"Jayden went back to his pack."

I shot up in my bed and looked at Kate with wide eyes, "What! Why?"

"He didn't say but the Shadows wolves followed him when he left our lands. He said he would be back and that he is not leaving permanently." Kate stroked my hair and gave me a hug before standing up.

"Rest up and when it's time for you to head out I'll come and help you get ready."


As Kate said she came back later and helped me remove my bandage and put on a pair of black jeans and white top. The scar on the back of my neck was a faint pink line and from the blood that had soaked my fur yesterday it had healed surprisingly fast. I tied my hair up in a pony tail away from my face and swept on a coat of mascara. I headed downstairs and out the backyard. Kate followed me and I saw the yard was the same since yesterday. The tables were still laid out but this time when I walked in I saw some of the wolves tip their head forward in respect. My Alpha wolf inside of me urged me to hold my head high and keep a straight face.

Jayden was still not here and I realized the Black Moon wolves were also missing. My eyes swept the crowd until I saw Alpha Neal. I walked to him and he gave me a warm smile.

"How are you feeling Layla?"

"Much better. But where are the Black Moon wolves?" I asked politely.

"They returned to their pack because they were needed. Jayden accompanied them and will most likely me back." He gave me a knowing smirk and continued. "I know how bad you are missing him. It's the Alpha blood. He will be here shortly he wouldn't miss this day for anything."

I nodded and walked over to the twins. I sat down between them and I saw then move farther away from me.

"What?" I questioned them.

"Nothing." Tony said keeping his eyes trained forward. Andrew didn't even acknowledge me and I found him turning his gaze away from me.

"Ugh! Just tell me." I said irritated.

"Knowing that one day you will be our Alpha everyone from school feels conflicted. Our wolves are, you could say, disappointed that we did, what we did, to our Alpha. We see you differently now." Tony murmured and kept his head slightly bent down.

"Gosh! Get over it! I won't be a vengeful Alpha and torture you all." I said and flicked their heads. I gave them a playful scowl and walked over to the tree line. I sat down on a boulder and leaned back on my hands. I watched the sun as it began to disappear behind the tall trees that concealed us from the main road. The wind blew and I could faintly smell an intoxicating scent being swept my way. I closed my eyes and focused of where it was coming from. I felt the scent become stronger and I smiled knowing exactly who was behind me.

"About time you got here." I said without opening my eyes.

"Angel, we have a problem." He said and his voice wasn't soft but was stone cold. I felt my heart drop as my mind went through all the possibilities of why he would say that.

"I can't join your pack."

A/N Remember to click the button and VOTE!

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