Chapter 25: So is that a...

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A/N Sorry this chapter was to be posted yesterday but with all the changes happening in my life I really did not have time. I'm slacking with my writing so I don't know when the next update will be as of now but I will be working on it ASAP.

Enjoy! And Remember to Vote if you want me to post faster. Each vote is like a warm hug! LOL

Chapter 25: So is that a...

My heart broke at his words. Here I was thinking all would fall into place now and we could finally stay together. We could live as Alpha Mates. But instead he was leaving me. He didn't want me. He didn't care enough to join my pack. Our pack. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I blinked them away not wanting to seem weak in front of him.


I asked him knowing exactly what the answer would be. I don't want to live with you and I won't join a pack whose Alpha is you. I waited for him to say those words. The words that would cause my world to crumble back to what it once was. Since the moment Jayden came into my life I changed. I found out that I actually did have a mate and that the Goddess had made someone for me. Someone that would love me unconditionally and truly. He helped me overcome my fear of my pack and made me into a stronger person. If he left now I wouldn't be able to get back up.

"I don't want to live in a pack where my wolves have no place." He said and walked towards me. He grabbed my hands and held them between us. "I can't stop being the Shadows' Alpha. They need someone but they don't want to join another pack and end the Shadows name." He looked me in the eyes and asked. "Please I ask you. Don't make choose between my wolves and you."

To say I was shocked would be the understatement of the century!

"I hate you so much." I said keeping my eyes closed and my grip on his fingers tightened.

"Angel. Please I know you're mad but try to understand. I can't just leave them." He begged and leaned down to be eye level with me. His eyebrows were pulled together and I could see the worry in his eyes.

He was so DEAD!

I took my free hand and slapped his shoulders repeatedly. And in between slaps and punches to his chest I said, "You idiot! I thought you were going to leave me! Here I was trying to keep a strong front so I don't look stupid but all you had to ask is if you could stay with your wolves?! OH MY GOSH! I'm going to kill you!"

I growled and lunged for him. He turned around and made a break for it. He led me deeper in the trees and the forest had an earthy glow to in with the sunset beginning behind us. I chased him until he stopped in the clearing where the large boulder sat. It was the same place I brought him when he found his wolf. He stood in front of me and I saw his chest rise and fall. His hair had fallen forward slightly and reached his eyebrows. He swept his hair back with his left hand and walked to me. I was frozen in my spot because the smirk on his face held an untold secret and when he was right in front of me he placed his hands on my waist.

"So is that a yes on keeping my wolves?" He said when I rested my forehead against his. I was breathing deep and I had my eyes closed.

"I would never expect you to just abandon your pack. I'm fine as long as you are with me. Two Alphas can coexist in one territory. Especially if those two happen to be mated. So yes stay with your pack but never try to leave me. I will find you." I said and pecked him on his lips. I smiled and let go of him, I was about to turn to go back when he pulled me back against his chest.

"You never cease to amaze me. I love you." he said sweeping a loose strand behind my ear.

I smiled from his touch and said, "I know. But if you ever scare me like that again I will get your wolves on my side because you may be their Alpha but I'm their Luna!"

The Healer's MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora