Chapter 3

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Bacon and scrambled eggs. Yep, my usual breakfast on a Saturday morning. I stood there next to my stove and inhaled the smell while listening to Ed Sheeran's song ”Kiss Me” through my Iphone. I loved Ed Sheeran, he was such an amazing person and extremely talented. I do find the world a better place thanks to him.

I lifted the ladle to my mouth and started to sing along:

” I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet.”

That was my favourite line of the song. It said so much and meant so much, how you could fall in love with someone you don't really know. That moment when you feel something that's so powerful and you know that person's meant for you. Ed sure is a magical human being.

I sat down with my plate in the living room to watch TV while I was eating my breakfast. At least that way I would get some company, I mean let's face it, Bryan and Luke wasn't the most talkative ones. I started to zap among the channels when my option landed on Oprah. She always had something interesting to share with the world. Apparently I ended up in the middle of a story and didn't really know what it was about. It was a cute girl, with long dark hair that softly rested on her shoulders, that was talking. Her brown eyes was a bit red, after crying I guess, and Oprah had that serious look on her face.

” It felt horrible. I've never been that scared. The worst part of it all is that I can't go back in time and make it undone. It will always stay with me, like a scar that will always remind me of that night. It's so hard.” the girl said, gently lifting a tissue to her face and slowly removing her tears.

Suddenly I realized what they were talking about and I quickly turned off the TV. I understood that girl. I knew exactly how she felt, because I was feeling the same way myself. She'd been raped, just like me.

It became hard to breathe. Those uncomfortable feelings I've had ever since the day I got raped came back to me after being reminded about it. My flat got this terrifying atmosphere again where I didn't feel safe. It felt like someone was watching me and every move I made. I had to get out of there. NOW.

I literally ran into my kitchen and just dumped my plate on the sink, grabbed my coat and bag and went out of the flat.

That relaxing sound of my car unlocking made me feel a wee better. I knew that nobody could get me if I was driving it.

A part of me wanted to just sit in my car and drive all the time, just because I felt safe in it. Like I said, no one could reach me there. But the other part of me, I guess it was the common sense part, knew that I couldn't just sit inside my car and drive for the rest of my life. I had to feel safe, at least in my own flat.

There was actually another place where I felt safe, and that's where I was heading now.

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