Chapter 16

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I couldn't help but smile when I saw Harry's car while I parked my own outside the school the next morning. I have to admit that he was the reason why I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't stop thinking about him, his green eyes, incredible smile, his kindness and (this might sound weird) his touch. I haven't felt that safe since I got raped. If it wasn't for his girlfriend, I would actually find that moment romantic. But we were just friends, and he just made sure my head was okay. No big deal. But he did run his thumb across my cheek. Does that mean something?

As I entered the hallway, my eyes immediately started to search for him. I wanted to see him. I kept looking around while I opened my locker.

“Good morning Amber!” I turned around and saw Kelly arriving, looking happy. Really happy. Too happy?

Is that a fake smile? It looks kind of forced.

“Hi,” I said and returned her, maybe forced, smile. She didn't say anything more, just grabbed her things very quickly, almost as quick as Harry did yesterday, and left. What's up with her? My thoughts flew back to Harry. I wondered where he could be, he always stops by my locker and says hi at this time. But not today.

It was at lunch that I saw him for the first time that day. He was sitting next to Jenifer, and they looked more in love than ever! I don't know why, but it made me furious. Couldn't they keep their tongues in their own mouths for just one second? They didn't have to do that in school, where everyone could see them. Just because they were the perfect couple? Sigh! I lost my appetite and just grabbed an apple on my way out.

I passed him in the hallway later, he was alone. I stopped to talk to him as he walked by me, like we always do. But this time, he didn't stop. He just kept going and walked by me, without a word. He didn't even look at me. It was like I was invisible to him. I turned around and followed him with my gaze as he walked down the hallway, until he turned at a corner, and disappeared.

It wasn't until the last lesson that the thought hit me. Is Harry avoiding me? Why? Because of what happened in the library yesterday? Well, I have to say that it was his fault in that case, I didn't do anything. It was him, and he made it on his own initiative. Or maybe it was because I became so low when I got the text from dad, but I thought it was from someone else. He did notice my mood switch there. Maybe he thought he'd done something wrong and thinks that I'm mad at him. Is that why he wont talk to me? But if I'm the bad guy, why is he ignoring me. I should be ignoring him if I was mad at him, right? But I'm not. I won't let him believe that, I have to do something.

When the school ended, and I was on my way to the car, I saw him again. Making out with the girlfriend next to a red, small car. It must be Jennifer's. I sighed, even her car was beautiful. I had to talk to Harry before he left, because I didn't want to go home until I'd talked to him. I needed to know what was going on, why I felt invisible when he was around. I couldn't just go and interrupt them though. I'll have to wait. I slowly started to walk to my own car with my bag. I could see Harry looking at me as I passed, but he didn't say anything. I looked away this time, not wanting to see how he ignored me again. I saw their reflection in the windows of my car, so I could easily see when they were done. I pretended to fix with something in the back seat, just to waste some time. I threw my bag in the passenger seat and closed the door. To my delight, they were done, and Harry was on his way to his Range Rover. Now I had my chance!

He saw me, and actually stopped and waited for me. When I came up to him, I didn't know what to say. I became that shy Amber again. For the first time with Harry, I was insecure, and a bit scared. I knew I had to say something to him, because I guess I was the one that needed to talk first.


Really Amber, hi? That's so lame.

He didn't answer me, just kept looking at me with eyes that seemed so dark, so lifeless. They didn't have their usual spark. I got a lump in my chest. Is something wrong with him?

“I just wanted to ask how the test went,” I said, and realized how stupid it sounded.

What? You're pathetic, Amber. You waited for him just to ask him how the test went? You're such a joke!

“Not good.” was all he said and looked down at his shoes. I saw how his jaw tightened. Maybe I should leave, before he gets really pissed.

“Oh. Well, that's too bad.” I said and looked down myself. God, I really couldn't handle these kinds of situations. I'm such a coward.

A small “Yup” escaped from his lips as he slowly started to play with his car keys, passing them between his hands.

“Well, do you want to join me at the library tomorrow?” I asked, trying my hardest to keep my voice steady. It was a useless question, I already knew his answer.

“No, I don't think so.” That's it? No reason? I was just about to ask why, but he talked first.

“I need to go. Have a nice day,” he said and walked away from me and climbed into his car. I had to back off so he wouldn't run over me with the big Range Rover.

Have a nice day? He never says that to me. He always says “I'll see you around” or something, just to let me know that we'll meet again. It didn't feel like that this time. Harry just left me alone there, on the school parking lot. This have to be the worst day ever! I could feel how our friendship disappeared as Harry drove away.

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