Chapter 10

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I woke up because of the light that had found it's way into the room. I actually fell asleep pretty fast last night, guess I was sort of exhausted. Well, I think anyone could've fallen asleep in this bed. My God! I can't remember ever sleeping this good.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and saw, to my relief, that I hadn't got any texts. The one I got yesterday must've been meant for someone else. I scrolled through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram before putting the phone back.

I decided it would be for the best if I just packed my things and started to head home. I didn't want to disturb this family anymore. I wondered if the rest of them were awake, or was it just me? I changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and slowly walked towards the kitchen. Thankfully, I heard voices. I was just about to enter the kitchen when I heard Harry's voice.

“Who is she?” he asked someone. I stopped. They were talking about me.

“Her name is Amber, and she's just a girl in need of help. And I'm helping her,” Elizabeth answered.

“What happened to her?”

“Harry, that's none of your business. You know that.”

They became silent, so I entered the room. I found Harry sitting at a bar stool next to the counter, eating cereal and Elizabeth leaning against another counter, drinking tea. Her face lighted up when she saw me and a smile was spread on her face.

“Good morning, Amber. Did you sleep well?” she asked. She looked a lot paler without her make up on. Harry, on the other hand, just kept looking at me with curious eyes.

“Yes, I did. Thank you so much for letting me spend the night,” I said and tried really hard not to look at Harry, he made me nervous in some way. Maybe he recognized me from that day on the parking lot. I hoped not, because that would make this situation even more strange. And awkward.

“Anytime sweetie, you're always welcome here,” Elizabeth said with one of those heart warming smiles. I couldn't do anything except return it.

“Do you want some breakfast?” she asked, and I realized how hungry I was.

“Yes, that would be lovely,” I said and took a seat next to Harry on one of the other bar stools. He still hadn't said a word to me.

I ate a toast and drank some apple juice. Harry still quiet. I wondered if he used to act like this, because I had another picture of him in my mind, even though I didn't know him. In my head, he was this cute and funnyguy that wasn't shy and really enjoyed talking to people, even the ones he didn't know. Really spontaneous and outgoing. But I didn't see him like that now. Maybe he wasn't a morning person and the behavior I wished he had would kick in during the day.

A bit later, I was sat inside an office. An office that Elizabeth had in the house. It reminded me much about the office I usually visits when I talk to her. I started to realize what kind of stuff she liked and decorated her rooms with. It was time to see if we could find the author of the text. Elizabeth typed in the number on the computer and pressed the search button. I didn't really know what to expect. Did I want to know who it was? Maybe it was from the guy who raped me, maybe not. What if I knew the person?

It didn't matter, because the search got no hits anyway. I held my breath as I saw it.

“Well, that's toobad,” Elizabeth said, being the one that broke the silence. All I could do was nod. I've been through this before, not being able to track people down after receiving missed calls from numbers you don't recognize, just because of the curiosity to see who it was. The only thing we could do now was to wait. If I got another text from the same number, I will deal with it then.

I went back to the guest room to pack the rest of my things. I was so focused on making sure that I didn't forget anything that I almost didn't hear the knock on the door. I knew I left the door open, so I just turned around to find Harry stand in the doorway, leaning slightly. I stopped my movement and just stared at him, with my toothbrush in one hand, and my hairbrush in the other.

“Can I come in?” he said in a voice that, in a strange way, sent me goosebumps. Funny question since he was the one who lived here.

“Yes, of course. I'm just about to pack my things,” I said and threw my brushes into the bag.

He slowly walked towards the bed and sat down, watching me while I folded my pajamas. It became really awkward, no one said anything. I knew that I had to say something, but didn't know what.

Thankfully Harry was the one who broke the uncomfortable silence first.

“I haven't really introduced myself properly. I'm Harry, but, I guess you knew that already.”

I could feel the red color attack my cheeks as my hand touched his in a friendly handshake.

“Yes, Elizabeth told me,” I said and looked down in hope that he didn't see how red my face was.

“And you're Amber, right?”

I nodded.

“Well, it was nice meeting you,” he said and started to walk back to the door. My feelings surprised me, I didn't want him to leave. This was the shortest conversation I've ever had. He couldn't leave!

Yo Amber! What are you doing? He's got a girlfriend! I repeat myself, he's got a GIRLFRIEND! Don't fall for him!

I took that thought back as soon as I thought it. I wasn't falling for him. No way, he's not my type. I want a guy that can make me laugh, care about me and cook me dinner (yes, that whole cooking thing is important, because I hate cooking and doesn't want to do it all myself). Someone I can trust and be myself with. That's what I look for in a relationship, which seems kind of impossible to find at the moment. I don't know Harry, but I don't think he has those qualities.

“I'll see you around Amber,” he said and left the room. Did he know that we went to the same school? Because he sees me like everyday without knowing it.

I grabbed my bag and left the room as well.

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