Chapter 33

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“Dad?” I said as I entered my unusually quiet flat.

“Are you home?” I called again. I kicked off my shoes and put my coat on the hanger.

“Hello?” Still no answer. He wasn't in the living room, nor the kitchen. I put my hands on my sides and let out a sigh.

“Where could you hide?” I mumbled to myself. I tried to call him, but he didn't pick up.

“That's strange. And so unlike you.” I said to myself.

I woke up after falling asleep in the sofa to a movie that apparently wasn't that good. I moved my sleepy head and looked around the room, still no dad. I rubbed my eyes as I yawned big. I managed to move my tired body and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and go to bed. I didn't bother to eat anything, I wasn't hungry at all. I got a bit surprised when I saw how late it was. How long had I been asleep?

After falling asleep in my bed, I woke up again. It wasn't by myself this time, it was because of a knock on the door. I removed the duvet and walked with slow steps towards the door.

“Who is it?” I called.

“It's me, Amber.”dad said back. I quickly unlocked the door and let him in.

“Where have you been?” I asked as I saw how dad stumbled and almost lost his balance. I grabbed his arm in a swiftly movement and pulled him back up.

“Are you drunk?” I asked as he tried to walk.

“No, just a little tipsy.”

“Yeah, right.”

After putting dad to sleep, after a lot of convincing and struggle, I could finally relax and focus on myself again. I pulled the duvet closer to my body and took a deep relaxing breath. I could feel my eyelids get more and more heavy before I slowly entered the land of dreams.

“How are you feeling?” I asked as dad took another sip of his coffee. I knew that he wasn't feeling that well considering last night.

“Alright.” I slowly nodded, knowing that he lied.

“Well, I should head for school. See you when I get home,” I said and walked over to the sink to put my empty cup there.

“Have a good day,” dad said.

“You too.”

“Guess who?” someone asked as I got my eyes covered by a pair of hands from behind. I didn't have to think twice, I knew that voice anywhere.

“Good morning to you too,” I smiled as the hands were removed. I turned around and saw his beautiful face. He leaned down and kissed my lips before stroking my cheek.

“How are you?” Harry asked as I put my things in my locker.

“I'm alright. You?” I asked, knowing that he'd react because I said “alright” and not “good” or “great” as I usually do.

“What's wrong?” he asked, making my suspicions correct.

“It's just dad. I'm worried 'bout him.”


“He came home drunk last night. Could hardly walk.I don't know, it's just so unlike him,” I said as I closed the locker and met his green eyes.

“Is it because of you grandmother?”

“I don't know. I actually hope so, that way there's a reason for his behavior, so it's not something he'll start to do regularly. I don't think I'll be able to handle that, if he starts doing it more often I mean,” I explained.

I Want To Break Free ❤ Harry Styles FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz