Counsel's Words

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c h a p t e r

Judging by the deafening sound of silence, I was guessing these counsel people weren't very nice. As I hear we enter a room, making me sniff the scent of that beautiful scent again, I was pushed to walk forward.

I was eventually and forcefully kneeled down with my head lowered and my heart beating wildly. Are they gonna cut my head off? My wolf snorted, for what reason? Stop being paranoid. I took deep calming breaths and stayed silent.

Suddenly, all light went back as soon as the bag was pulled, uncovering me. I adjusted my vision and finally saw everything clear. I was in a middle of a circle, a table of circle. Elders were sitting behind it, looking down at me. "State your name." I gulped, they looked really scary.

But I can't just give them my name, it's dangerous. "Name!" A loud demand scared me. Geez, these guys are tense.

Name... hmmm... "E-Ella... B-Br-a-B-Brie-Br-Brielle um... J-Jo-Jon-Jonas-s." I stammered, great. "Brielle Jonas, from what pack?" Pack... Oh crap... Pack...

"No pack?" I said in a question form, looking up. One of the elders raised an eyebrow and I quickly looked down again. "Rogue for your whole life?"

Say no.

"Um... no sir... I... uh..." say your pack was attacked and you ran away with your now deceased grandma, "I r-ran away w-with grandmama when... when... when our p-pack was... was attacked." Girl, you gotta stop stuttering I mentally growled, I can't help it! I'm not good at lying!

And acting. I ignored my wolf and my angel as I concentrated. Damn these grandfathers, they're really scary. "In what age?" When will they stop asking?

"I was a baby." I answered, slightly getting irritated, the elders looked at each other and nodded. "It has come to our decision that since you have not committed in any activity of crime, we will therefore let you join this pack by the orders of Alpha Alaska Lyon nadz zee Kielce." I looked up with surprise, I whipped my head around until my eyes fell on the familiar blue eyes, his white hair standing out amongst the dark. I stared in wonder, why did he want me in his pack?

"Brielle Jonas," I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at the elder in front of me, "do you agree with these terms that you are to join, unite, and be one with the Fearsome Claws?" I slowly nodded, "Then you are to attend the Welcoming Ceremony, held by your new alpha leader, the Great Descendent of Alpha King Judas Darko de la Kielce, Royal Alpha Lyon." I looked down, closing my eyes.

What did I get myself into?

(• • •)

"This'll be your room, dear." The old lady opened a white door, revealing a big room. I stared in awe, shock, and amazement. This was beautiful. I can't believe I'm staying here. But... how can I? When I don't actually know anything around these things. I looked at the old lady with a smile and nodded thankfully. "I'll just let you get settled, I'll call you when dinner's ready," she paused an leaned to whisper, "alpha was very demanding when he wanted you to attend welcomely." I stared with my eyes wide open, but she just chuckled and closed the door behind her. I looked around, feeling like... like a princess in her own royal bedroom!

You're more than a princess, Angie softly said. I sighed, I'm nobody Angie, I'm... I'm from the outside, I'm from the woods. I lived in the woods for many years... I'm just confused why they wanted an old rag like me.

My wolf gasped, Majestic! What?! It's true.

Suddenly everyone became dark, and the only thing that stood out in the light was the mirror, next to the dresser. I gradually walked towards it and sighed, I stared at my original form, the true me.

Majestic, does that look like a rag to you? Sure, we came from the woods, we grew up there, but that doesn't mean we're weak. We're stronger together. Angie said.

Yeah, and can't you just think a little positively and see clearly? We lived in the woods for many years and yet, we're still alive. Don't you get it? We're strong, independent, and beautiful. Don't forget that. Wolfy said. I smiled, you guys are the best.

They just gave a warm feeling back.

When I hear a knock, everything went back to normal and my appearance changed again. "Miss? Dinner is ready." Someone said behind the door.

I gulped, well, so much for changing. "I-I'll be down." I said, I hear footsteps retreating as I frantically run around in panic. I need to change!

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