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c h a p t e r

I was currently on the library, Katie sitting next to me, drinking her coffee. "Are you okay? You seem...a little out." I hummed and looked at her, smiling. "I'm good...I just feel drowsy after a long sleepless night." She frowned, "Nightmare?" I nodded. She sighed and put her mug down, "When I was young, I used to have nightmares, they were...dark and cruel, you could expect I was scared shitless because I was six, I was scared," we both laughed, "but as soon as I realized they were just dreams, imaginations? I just ignore it." I looked down at my hands, "I don't know, it felt real when I was in that dream, it was... bloody, and strange." She shrugged and took a sip of her coffee, "Dunno 'bout you, but I get ya girl. Sometimes we just have to let it all out." She stretched the last word, smiling at me before going back to her coffee. I looked down at the book I was ready and gently shut it. I shouldn't be too paranoid. It was just a dream. It meant nothing.

Are you sure? Angie teased. Leave the poor girl alone Angie, she's having a hard time, my wolf acts out. I soon ignored both of them when they started bickering. I held my necklace in wonder.

At lunch, I decided to finally get out of the house, along with Chad, who just finished training, and talked while roaming around the running track. "So how have you been? Are you excited for the ceremony?" I rolled my eyes, "Okay, I'm excited." He chuckled, "'re nervous!" He teased. I rolled my eyes again and continued walking. "Hey...Ella...uh...I wanna a - ask something." I stopped in my tracks at his nervous stance. I stared in confuse and smiled genuinely, "Sure, what is it?"

He scratched the back of his head, "I know you're new and everything...but I wanna ask..." He trailed off. But when a shadow loomed over, he stopped talking and looked up behind me. "Er...never mind, I'll just ask Katie." He then runs off. I raised an eyebrow, I wonder what that was about. I turned and saw Alpha Lyon, I gulped and crossed my arms. I nodded my head in acknowledgement. "Alpha Lyon, it's good to have you back." He nodded.

"Are you ready for the ceremony?" I nodded, "Yes alpha, I hope you have set your mind." I hopefully said.

He longingly stared at me, he changed a bit. He was more... brighter, more smiley kind of thing. His eyes sparkled with something, and I didn't know what was it.

He nodded, "As soon as you become part of this pack, your trained will start as soon as possible." He then walked away. I waved a little and walked to the opposite way.

Something about him was different today, he was happy, he was in a good mood. He must've found someone to settle with. That thought made me hurt. Gosh, what is wrong with me? The alpha isn't mine to decide who he's suppose to be with! I'm such an idiot.

I sighed and made my way inside the pack house. I saw the same girl, Sasha was it? Walking towards me, or rather the exit. She glared at me and bumped my shoulder roughly. I blinked and quickly gripped on her wrist. I looked down at the floor with my hair covering my face in a light darkness. Sasha started trashing but I didn't let go, I gripped tighter until I hear her wince and whimper. I immediately let go, quickly thinking of my action. "I'm sorry..." She looked at me in shock while I started backing away. I ran for my dear life, shaking my head of my stupidity. Why had I tried hurting her? That's bad, really bad.

Relax Jest, it was her fault, she started it. My wolf said. Yeah! And why's she mad at you? Angie said. I ran upstairs and barged into my room and locked it behind me.

I can't believe I did that, hurting a pack member. That wasn't allowed! Hurting pack members! I took deep breaths and crashed on my bed.

Without seconds to spare, I skipped dinner and fell asleep.

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