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c h a p t e r

Chad and I went to Katie's room and knocked, surprisingly it was opened quickly by Katie. "Lunch time guys! And guess what? Mary cooked us some lasagna!" I raised an eyebrow and didn't talk further as she grabbed me and Chad's arms before dragging us downstairs to the dining room. "Who's Mary?" I quietly asked, "She's the cook around here, Jane's sister." I nodded in understanding and sat down next to her as everyone began to sit down while the food was given with organize. As Katie and Chad started eating, I had yet again look at this strange-like food, it looked very familiar. I picked up the metal spoon and took a spoonful before eating it.

It tastes good. But nothing compared from last night, which I have yet to know the name of that delicious thing. "Have you heard? Alpha found rogues at the border, and the worst part? They had pack children with them!" I listening closely at the yellow haired girl that was bragging about something beside me.

Wait... she wasn't bragging, there were rogues around?

"And guess what my dad found out..." I leaned a little closer, trying to let them notice me. "He discovered... some kind of a creature! It was dark so he didn't see it. Poor children, they were almost killed. The creature had... red? Wait no, violet! Yes! Violet eyes! I wish I could've seen it! Mostly? They're hunting it down!"

I dropped my spoon. She said what now?

(• • •)

I walked around the hallways, trying to find the scent I was looking for. I need to say something before these pack people will get hurt, especially the children!

I need to find Alpha Lyon!

Hold up there! I stopped walking. You can't just barge into an alpha's office! What if they'll think you're mad? What if they'll think you're just a traitor? They'll get paranoid!

You know, Jest, Angie has a point there. According to rules, you can't barge in a middle of an important meeting, or even so, no meeting or have, you can't because it's an alpha's office! A ROYAL alpha's office. I licked my lips, thinking, they're right. I can't just waltz in and tell them everything, it can also put me in danger! Yang'll find me and I'm doomed, this pack is doomed. Besides, I'm new in the pack, who will believe me?

I sighed and leaned back at the wall, what am I gonna do? I can't just let them hunt Yang down, they'll get killed! And that'll be my fault, I can't risk something I have been preventing my whole life! I need to do something.

You know, we're an hybrid for a reason, I said towards both of Angie and Wolfy. They stayed silent until Angie spoke up, you wouldn't dare. I mentally chuckled, who's gonna stop me?

It's dangerous Jest, what if Yang catches you? My wolf asked worriedly. Don't worry Wolfy, I got this.

I stood back up straight and went to find my way towards my room, I'm gonna have to gear up for tonight.

Wait... so no dinner then?

Hours later, the sky was getting darker, I was all geared up while I had asked Jane if I could roam around. She hesitated but you can always persuade, right? I proceeded to my balcony, I can risk unfolding my wings, it'll rip my leather jacket off, and I don't want to fly half naked again. I looked down at the height of the balcony and sighed, I got this.

I saw another balcony and saw another one below it, then an idea popped in my head. I climbed behind the railings and looked down, I just need to jump and get to that balcony bellow me. I counted on three and finally jumped, feeling lightly flying. I automatically grabbed on to the other balcony and bit my lip, looking up at the doors. The room seemed empty, so it was clear.

I jumped again and landed to another, then another, then another, then another, and another. So far, the coast was clear, I bet I can jumped longer. I looked down and I was almost near to the ground, five more balcony and I'm on the ground. I took a deep breath, ready to take the big fall; I'm going to jump all the way down to the last balcony.

I can do this, besides, I'm not afraid of heights.

Lost RosesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ